Video by Bill Huston. With legal avenues exhausted by the greenlighting of a massive methane gas storage operation on the shores of Seneca Lake by the Texas based Crestoww, Midstrean Corp by F.E.R.C., Federal agancy tasked with rubber stamping intrastate pipeline and compressor stations and superseding state authority, what are citizens to do? Find out with this nicely edited piece by Shaleshock Media videographer Bill Huston from the action on Thursday, October 23, 2014 at the Creswtwood gate off Rte. 14 north of Watkins Glen.

Then join your neighbors and friends at the gates of Crestwood. Go to to keep abreast of this new phase of struggle to protect our cherished Fingerlakes from the out-of-state energy profiteers who threaten our established economies, our health and safety.
