I recently received a letter from Chesapeake with a form for me to sign. The form appeared to allow Chesapeake to assign my lease to another company in the swn sale.
My lease already contains a clause that allows the lease to be assigned to another lessee. In fact my lease was not originally with chesapeake. My lease does require them to tell me they have sold it. Why are they wanting me to sign this ? What if i do not return it? This would not be the first time they have asked me to sign documents that do not apply to my property or lease.

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There may be a hidden agenda. They tried this with me .  

Seems there is always hidden agenda with these folks.  Be wary.

It also says if i do not contact them within 15 days it will be deemed that i have agreed. So i would like to send them one that says if they dont send me a dollar in 15 days it will be deemed that they owe me $10,000. They are always so heavy handed just on principle when they do not need to do anything it seems. Do i need to pay a lawyer to have him advise me on this? Who else has gotten one?


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