Pro-fracking landowners sue New York state over delays in drilling decisions

The Joint Landowners Coalition of New York is challenging the state’s delay in finishing environmental tests on the impact of drilling for natural gas through hydraulic fracturing.

Monday, February 17, 2014, 1:07 AM
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Fracking on Marchellus Shale in Pennsylvania Julia Schmalz/Bloomberg A group of New York landowners want to put up hydraulic facturing, or fracking, drills like these in Pennsylvania, and are suing the state over test delays.

ALBANY — Hurry the frack up!

A landowners’ group is challenging New York state’s delay in finishing environmental tests on the impact of drilling for natural gas through hydraulic fracturing, commonly called fracking.

The suit was filed on behalf of the Joint Landowners Coalition of New York, claiming 70,000 members and owners of two upstate properties. One had and one was seeking a drilling permit. Both were blocked from proceeding.

The suit seeks to compel the Department of Environmental Conservation to complete its findings after five years, claiming the DEC has abused its discretion and that Gov. Cuomo is orchestrating the delay.

The state Health Department is studying the impact of fracking, and Cuomo says the science will determine how New York proceeds.

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