Chris Christie Tells Sandy Victim To 'Sit Down And Shut Up'
Nothing says compassion like being told you're a jerk for holding a sign, right? Read more...
Tea Partier: Bible Allows Us To 'Self-Govern' According To Judeo-Christian Worldview
You would never know, from listening to right wingers, just how skeptical our Founders were of organized religion. Read more...
Pat Robertson Scorns Terminally Ill Woman For Promoting Liberal 'Culture Of Death' With Assisted Suicide
Pat Robertson and others at his Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) on Wednesday told a terminally ill woman that she was making a mistake if she chose to end her life on her terms. Read more...
Yet Another Chapter Of 'They Only Win When They Cheat'
Already, tens of thousands have been removed from voter rolls in battleground states, and the numbers are set to climb. Read more...

Michael Brown Pathologist: My Words Were Taken Out Of Context
It sure looks like the St. Louis Post-Dispatch is slanting its coverage, if what she's saying is true. Read more...
Scott Walker Plays Equal Pay Shell Game
Scott Walker's at it again -- this time, claiming he supports equal pay for women when he repealed a law that guaranteed it. Read more...
#TodayInBlackHistory: Supreme Court Issues Smackdown To Die-Hard Segregationists
It was this case that dealt the final, decisive blow to recalcitrant anti-integrationists. Read more...
Mitch McConnell Desperately Tries To Backtrack On ACA Repeal
Perhaps Kentucky voters see Kynect as more than a website? Read more...
Lead Investigator In Secret Service Prostitution Scandal Resigns After Visit To Prostitute
Are these guys born creeps or do they just learn it from each other? Read more...
Hartmann: What Has Greed Cost America?
"Thom Hartmann begins a conversation about how greed has destroyed the American economy." Read more...
Young Texas GOPers Throw Darts At Dems; Give Away Hot Dogs For Hits
All of this took place behind a polling place. What a country. Read more...
#JimCrowGeorgia: Is This Really Where Businesses Want To Base Their Headquarters?
Remember when businesses were moving to Georgia because it was becoming more sophisticated and enlightened? Not any more. Read more...
Op-Ed Columnist Calls Michael Brown An 'Animal' Who Needed To Be 'Put Down'
But I thought racism was dead!
Jon Stewart Mocks Democrats For Not Doing Better Against The Likes Of Mitch McConnell And Scott Brown
The Daily Show's Jon Stewart mocked Democrats for running away from President Obama like he was a character in a horror movie and for not doing better against really awful candidates like Mitch McConnell and Scott Brown. Read more...