So You Think You're Too Good for SNL Cast Member Michael Che's Catcalls, Ladies?

Categories: Bad Ideas

Laura June Kirsch
Michael Che, photographed for the Voice in June.
Ladies, do we really have to go over this again? Catcalls are flattering! The latest defense of street harassment comes not from the New York Post (where we would expect it) but from comedian Michael Che, late of The Daily Show, now the co-host of SNL's "Weekend Update," and recent Village Voice cover model.

Here's what Che had to say today on Instagram:

i just saw the catcalling video & i am disgusted.

A photo posted by @chethinks on

We can only assume the video he means is the one that went viral yesterday, of a woman (a sexual-assault survivor, no less!) being catcalled 108 times in the course of 10 hours walking around New York City.

See also: Hidden-Camera Actress Who Was the Subject of Catcalls Is a Sexual-Assault Survivor

Che is apparently not impressed by the volume of harassment actress Shoshana Roberts endured; the more than a hundred men leering at her, calling out to her, or, even more creepily, walking in step with her for more than five minutes -- silently -- was not enough to convince him that this is a threatening, or even just unpleasant, experience.

What do you need, Michael Che? You need some statistics? OK, here:

According to the CDC "non-contact unwanted sexual experiences," including street harassment, are the most prevalent form of sexual violence for both men and women in the United States. Internationally, studies show that between 70-99% of women experience street harassment at some point during their lives...The long-term impacts include depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder, as well as a reduced sense of safety that can limit earnings, decrease mobility, and interrupt their ability to fully engage with civic life.

More research on the harmful effects of catcalling, where that (and the original video) came from, Hollaback.

We'll say this one more time, and hopefully never have to say it again: Catcalling is not flattering -- it's uncomfortable. It's gross. It's violating. And IT WILL NEVER GET YOU A DATE.

The first post was followed quickly by a second:

i just read my instagram. i am DISGUSTED.

A photo posted by @chethinks on

Thanks, I guess, for the patronizing non-apology for your previous, also patronizing faux-apology?

It's particularly baffling that Che is Team Catcalling considering his former employer, The Daily Show, did such a brilliant pair of takedowns of street harassment.

Watch them:

My Voice Nation Help

I've never approved of men cat calling women on the streets, but now that I know it irritates feminist twats I've changed my mind. 

Tangelo Uchiha
Tangelo Uchiha

Yeah I said 'hello'. And compliments. I've seen the video and it did have its share of harrasment. It also had very normal interactions that I saw nothing wrong with. Have a great day sweetie. (Don't take it the wrong way)

Janna King
Janna King

None of those men just said hi politely. It's not normal to call out to a stranger while they are walking past minding their own business. It's not like she was just hanging around and they came up to her. They were cat calling.

Janna King
Janna King

Disappointed. I liked him. Still do I guess but disagree with him about this. Telling a woman to smile at you for your pleasure *is* harassing. Would he go up to a strange man and tell him to smile?

Tangelo Uchiha
Tangelo Uchiha

As I walk down the street in broad daylight I'm called a fag and other things that make me not want to leave my house. You're the one putting all women under one blanket that each and every single one is a victim. Saying 'hello' is not harrasment. To see someone make a big deal about casual interaction is offensive to me. Who are you tell me how I feel?


He's trying to make a point about his personal space being disregarded, but in doing so, his mistake is to diminish the experience of the woman in the video having to deal with over 100 verbal gestures by just walking. He's doing this because the dissonance between his own behavior of "paying compliments" and his discomfort at strangers responding to his celebratum, hasn't yet clicked as being one and the same thing...unwanted and lacking a deeper respect to the individual.

Simone Rainy
Simone Rainy

He's trying to make a point about his personal space being disregarded, but in doing so, his mistake is to diminish the experience of the woman in the video having to deal with over 100 verbal gestures by just walking. he's doing this because the dissonance between his own behavior of "paying compliments" and his discomfort at strangers responding to his celebratum, hasn't yet clicked as being one and the same thing...unwanted and lacking a deeper respect to the individual.


just saying hello should not be a bad thing, but most of the other comments seemed annoying. the worst was the guy walking next to her, which was creepy.

did anyone tally up the guys who just stared at her tits?

cause i was one.

Tangelo Uchiha
Tangelo Uchiha

Or worse? Threatened? Are you talking hypothetically. Or about the video. Nobody threatened her. The one guy who walked next to her for 5 minutes was a creep and there are laws against threatening or harassing an individual. The video was trying to throw other casual interactions into a category of 'harrasment'.

Tangelo Uchiha
Tangelo Uchiha

All I saw was a man make a point that we shouldn't cheapen the word 'harrasment' by making a big deal about terms like 'hello' and a compliment. Some men are tired of being told that they're all perverts. It's just not true.

Roger Kopet
Roger Kopet

What a douchebag,!....He should take a good long look into a mirror and see the douchebag that he truly is,!...May these comments and experiences happen to his wife or daughter or sister.....Jerk,!

Ramulus Habibi
Ramulus Habibi

SNL famous is not famous anymore, unless you're hosting.


Who cares what some men are tired of?  How about they shut the fuck up and leave strangers on the street alone?


Says the Entitled White Male.


@DaveCoIon it's so gross—"What you don't want my compliments? I don't know if you've heard, but I'm on SNL..."

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