Home Todd's Commentaries Does Houston City Hall Have a “Christian” Problem?

Does Houston City Hall Have a “Christian” Problem?

By Todd Starnes

Houston’s lesbian mayor got caught with her hand in the religious liberty cookie jar and Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott is none too pleased.


I was the first to tell you about the city of Houston issuing subpoenas to five Christian pastors.

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Ordering them to hand over any sermons dealing with homosexuality, gender identity, and the lesbian mayor. The pastors say they will defy the government’s demand a decision that could lead to jail time.

Meanwhile, Attorney General Abbott is demanding the city rescind the subpoenas. He called their actions a direct assault on religious liberty said they were aggressive and invasive and show no regard for the First Amendment.

Yesterday the mayor admitted the subpoenas were overly broad. But as of this morning they had not rescinded the subpoenas.

As they say, actions speak louder than words.

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