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Overweight Lesbians and Dancing Kumquats?

By Todd Starnes


The fine journalists over at the Washington Free Beacon have figured out why there’s not any money for an Ebola vaccine. It’s because the National Institutes of Health has been too busy trying to figure out why lesbians get fat.

The Free Beacon reports the NIH squandered nearly 40 million dollars on questionable studies. All the while their director poor-mouthed Congress – alleging they had no money to spend on an Ebola vaccine.

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“Frankly, if we had not gone through our 10-year slide in research support, we probably would have had a vaccine in time for this that would’ve gone through clinical trials and would have been ready,” said NIH Director Francis Collins, blaming budget cuts for his agency’s failure to develop a vaccine for the deadly virus.

So where’d all that cash go?

For starters they spent $2,873,440 on why lesbians are obese and $692,697 to figure out why gay men get syphilis in Peru.Have you ever wondered about the plight of postpartum depression in “invisible sexual minority women”? That study set back the NIH to the tune of $718,770.

That makes the $105,066 they spent to study schizophrenic gay Canadians seem like a bargain.

They also squandered your hard-earned money on origami condoms, a study to learn why fat women have a harder time getting dates and a fruit and vegetable puppet show.

The NIH had nearly $40 million to find an Ebola vaccine but they spent our money on dancing kumquats?

I don’t mean to tell the NIH how to do their job but it seems to me they could have saved a lot of cash by just telling the lesbians to just put down the HoHos.

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