
The Nation

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Books and the Arts

An Armenian-American writer asks if the Armenian obsession with genocide recognition is worth its emotional and psychological price.

With his cutouts, Henri Matisse tried to free himself from gravity.

Awakening a sense of wonder and flooding a cinema with crucial realities.

Ebooks - Molly Ivins

News and Analysis

The Republican wrecking crew would hurt workers, women, minorities and the environment.

In a wide-ranging conversation, he discusses the surveillance state, the American political system and the price he’s paid for his understanding of patriotism.

Polls show strong support for an initiative there. And it’s on the ballot in Oregon and Alaska, too.

Christ Church

How a surgeon copes with deaths of young Americans from gunshot wounds, and why a mother chose to forgive her son's killer. 

Climate change is destroying Odessa’s famed Kuyalnik Estuary, where health tourists and war refugees live side by side.


How this country’s “tough on crime” ethos created a generation of graying inmates.

Kailash Satyarthi

The Indian Nobel Peace Prize winner has repeatedly risked his life fighting child labor and sweatshop abuses.

Despite her clear history of close association with the Koch brothers, Joni Ernst claims she doesn’t have any contact with outside groups running ads in her race.




This City Came Up With a Simple Solution to Homelessness: Housing Read more››

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