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  • Despite village approval, owner cannot expand home into common areas
    Despite village approval, owner cannot expand home into common areas

    Q. I live in a homeowners association and my neighbor expanded his deck significantly into the common areas without asking permission from anyone, and then went to the village and obtained village approval for his deck expansion in an attempt to validate his actions. Neither the board nor the...

  • Rental properties retool as packages pile up
    Rental properties retool as packages pile up

    The first stop Jamie Snydel makes after a 12- to 13-hour workday is at the concierge desk of her apartment building to pick up packages.

  • Unit owner is liable for water damage to his unit
    Unit owner is liable for water damage to his unit

    Q. I am on the board of a condominium association. A unit owner fell asleep while filling his bathtub, and the water poured over, damaging his unit only. The unit owner claims his homeowners insurance carrier will not cover his negligence and is demanding the association submit a claim to its...

  • Board, not unit owners, responsible for common-element upkeep
    Board, not unit owners, responsible for common-element upkeep

    Q: Our condominium association consists of four units. The board coordinates lawn maintenance and snow removal services; however, the board has assigned unit owners to maintain the common elements inside the building and move the garbage cans to an area where the trash collectors will pick them...

Real estate news and advice

  • Ways to save on airfare this holiday season

    If you haven't booked your flights yet for Thanksgiving and year-end holidays, now is the time to start searching and plotting how to get a reasonable deal.

  • Preventing mold growth in basement is a major undertaking
    Preventing mold growth in basement is a major undertaking

    DEAR TIM: Our full-size divided basement has mold growing on the west side of the wall, as well as the south side on the other end of the basement. The basement has two sump pumps, one on each side of the basement. The basement does not leak water. We've scrubbed the mold away with bleach/water...

  • Tech trends that are shaping real estate market

    We wish we had a dollar for every website, app or other electronic wonder that promised to "revolutionize the way real estate is sold." We're still waiting for the revolution to come, but meanwhile, there's no shortage of clever tech developments out there. A sampling of some recent ones:

  • 10/1 ARM offers flexibility to mortgage prepayer

    Q: On a recent radio show, Ilyce recommended taking out a 10/1 adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) to help accelerate a mortgage repayment.

  • Business owner needs to organize to keep from drowning

    Q: I am so disorganized and have a negative view of paying basic bills on time because I am trying to maintain a business.

  • Buying home with 5 percent down is hard, but options exist

    Q: I am purchasing a home and want the cheapest payment. I have only 5 percent to put down on the property and can comfortably afford a monthly payment of $1,400 to $1,500, tops. Actually, I'm hoping it will be closer to $1,400.

  • Make your home sparkle with custom party decor
    Make your home sparkle with custom party decor

    Scroll through their colorful gallery of tassel garlands and metallic pinatas, and it's clear that Nicholas Anderson and Julie Ho, the pair behind the New York City-based company Confetti System, have elevated party decorations to an art form. The professional crafters — who also work...

  • Garden Design magazine reblooms
    Garden Design magazine reblooms

    From the poetry of deer grass to the sizzle of tiny, hot-pink "Lady Jane" tulips, the recently relaunched Garden Design magazine is full of surprises — among them that there is still so much that is new and fresh to say about naturalistic gardening. There are no ads, so you get a full 128...

  • Homemade butter gilds holiday tables
    Homemade butter gilds holiday tables

    As we gear up for the holidays, you may think of turkey and all the dishes that go alongside it on the holiday table. You may busy yourself trolling Pinterest for new dessert ideas, scour your favorite cookbooks for fresh inspiration for the dressing or the rolls, and try to decide whether...

  • 'Subirdia' author on how to coexist with birds
    'Subirdia' author on how to coexist with birds

    Impassioned ornithologist John Marzluff has combed the United States — specifically the suburbs that ring large cities — to research what our feathered friends are up to. The result, "Welcome to Subirdia: Sharing Our Neighborhoods with Wrens, Robins, Woodpeckers and Other...

  • Trench drainage system will keep your basement or crawlspace dry
    Trench drainage system will keep your basement or crawlspace dry

    DEAR TIM: I've got a chronic problem with water entering the 4-foot tall crawlspace under the duplex I live in. This year has been bad with all the rain we're having. We installed a swale, but that has not helped. I know the ground water is causing the problem, but I'm at my wits' end about how...

  • Dealing with an encroaching neighbor

    By Ilyce Glink and Samuel J. Tamkin

  • Home swapping a short-term alternative to renting out vacant home

    Q: I read your reply to the homeowner who wanted to rent out his townhouse for two to four months near Washington, D.C., while spending time in warmer climes. It seems he is either retired or can work from home. If that is the case another option may be to swap his home and stretch his vacation...

  • Warming up to pawpaw, a native tree with tropical relatives
    Warming up to pawpaw, a native tree with tropical relatives

    Among all the trees that glow golden in the Illinois woods in autumn, there's one that brings a hint of tropical warmth.

  • The ugly truth about purple loosestrife
    The ugly truth about purple loosestrife

    Over the summer, I saw a pretty plant with purple flowers growing along the expressway and would like to get it for my garden. It appears to be a tough plant. What is this and where can I find it? I have not seen any plants like it at the garden centers in this area.

  • Poor workmanship easy to fix if caught in time
    Poor workmanship easy to fix if caught in time

    DEAR TIM: I'm having a house built and I've got some problems. It's still in the rough stage, with just the rough framing pretty much complete and the roof on. I'm noticing all sorts of mistakes, such as a window that's not centered, and my metal woodstove chimney looks like it's been put in by...

  • Tips to reduce the risk of house fires
    Tips to reduce the risk of house fires

    October is Fire Prevention Month, so as a public service designed to reduce the number of calls for electrical fires, "Your Place" offers the following tips from Leviton, manufacturer of electrical devices and lighting controls (dimmers, switches):

  • Don't jeopardize your own finances to help distressed sibling
    Don't jeopardize your own finances to help distressed sibling

    Q: My sister is in a dire financial situation. She is single, 62 and was recently diagnosed with cancer. She owns a home that's now in foreclosure, which she cannot maintain.
