Debunking "Truthland". It's just too easy.
The industry has put out yet another bucolic look at dangerous drilling, but this time they are going for the "documentary" look, even though we all know that it was industry funded and staged. Just an average school teacher traveling around to see the truth behind Gasland. That's rich! All Shelly needs to do is spend just one day following me around the state. But then she would have to see the real truth: the terrible consequences drilling has had on many of our neighbors, here in GASLAND, PA.
This is just raw video clips, strung together from one day on just one property in Springhill township, PA. Nothing fancy. The video tells the story of these poor folk, all by itself. On May 22, 2012, Ten state police officers came onto this family's property and removed them at gun point based on false charges made, that said he was running around shooting at people and threatening the life of anyone that stepped foot on his property.
That is not what happened. This is Mr. Headly's side of the story that day and look at what has happened to his property and life. I have spoken to witnesses that stand by his version of events, that were there that day. However, I cannot verify whether or not there were papers for him to be committed. What I will say is that the threat of that was very real to him and his family. I was there because their horses had nosebleeds and they were concerned with the air quality from the leaking wells. This was an unexpected twist in an already bad scenario for this family. Please share their story and share widely, especially with our friends in NEW YORK, whose moratorium is about to be lifted. This is their story. This is the truth. We are Gasland. Do not become the next Pennsylvania, lest this be your fate.

An edited blog piece will be in the future at

*Since my visit the DEP has come out and investigated some of the many violations and said now that they will get these leaky wells fixed. There has been some progress on 2 wells and removal of contaminated soil. Though the well at the beginning continues to leak. They were told they would all be fixed within 10 days. We will wait and see. To date, the DEP has had no interest in seeing where their spring catches fire. We will wait and see what has been assessed and share that information as well. The creek, 2 weeks after the spills/blowouts still has clay and whatever stuff it pulled from the abandoned coal mine below flowing downstream, into the river, where many people from Pittsburgh get their drinking water. According to the families in the area, there are only 2 DEP reps for the entire county. That is why it takes so long to respond to anything that happens. THIS IS DOING IT RIGHT?

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