Welcome to the Penn State Center for Solutions to Weather and Climate Risk

Rear Adm. David W. Titley, Director

Rear Adm. David W. Titley

VISION: Create the knowledge, training and solutions to enable the optimal outcome for every decision where weather and climate matter.

MISSION: CSWCR’s Mission is to leverage and integrate the capabilities of the University, in particular those found in Meteorology, Engineering, Statistics, e-Education and Communications, along with external partners, to advance the science of exploiting environmental opportunities and understanding environmental impacts to manage risk.  CSWCR will achieve this mission by focusing its efforts in four areas:

  • User-inspired research:  Identify and conduct research in areas that will advance the decision support process for specific industries and organizations.
  • Communications:  Train students and professionals how to convey environmental risk, impacts, opportunities, and solutions clearly, succinctly, and in a way understood unambiguously by the end user.
  • Education:  Leverage and expand existing e-education programs in Weather Risk Management.  Educate and train future providers and users how to think about environmental impacts and how to identify optimal solution sets.
  • Services:  Prototype and develop new methods and products to quantify and exploit environmental opportunities and reduce risks.

Upcoming Events

Catholics and Climate Change: Faith, Security and Health Perspectives
: Catholics and Climate Change: Faith, Security and Health Perspectives
WHEN: Wednesday, October 22, 2014, 7:00-8:30 pm EST
WHERE: Marymount University, Reinsch Library Auditorium
Read more – click here

Climate Change, Global Security and the Common Good
The Navy is preparing…how about you? Join us as we consider the challenges and plan our responses to climate change.
When: Thursday, Nov. 13
Where: Mount St. Joseph University, Cincinnati
Flyer: Climate and Global Security Flyer (PDF – available in alternate media upon request)

Featured News



DOD: Climate Change Is A Volatile Factor In International Security (NPR Interview)

Oct. 19, 2014 - The Department of Defense says climate change is an “immediate risk” to the nation. Adm. David Titley talks with NPR’s Rachel Martin about how the military must respond.




Arctic ice“Battle stations for an ice-free Arctic”

June 2, 2014 – The summer seas around the North Pole could be ice-free in 15 years. Rear Admiral David Titley was given the task of working out what that meant for the US Navy. He talks with Elizabeth Finkel.  Read the full story in COSMOS.


large ship stuck in sea ice“U.S. Military Pressed to Act on Climate Change”

In a new report, a group of retired military officers urge the U.S. military to better prepare for challenges and conflicts related to climate change.  Read the full story by Julian E. Barnes, The Wall Street Journal


“Climate Change War” is not a metaphor

The U.S. military is preparing for conflict, retired Navy Rear Adm. David Titley says in an interview with Slate Magazine. Read More … 

