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The Results Are In!

After many days of verifying, tallying, and double checking - we have the results to the 2014 Best of Buffalo polling!

A quick note about how this works for the uninitiated: The links below will take you to the list of Best of Buffalo nominees. The nominees are determined by taking the top five vote-getters from each category. We then mix them up and display them in random order to hide the first-place winner - for now. We'll announce who those winners are, and present them with a handsome award at our Best of Buffalo party on Monday, May 19th. We'll also post the winners list here, on the following day.

Our polling is a democratic process, but by no means a scientific poll. Votes were taken in an entirely free-form fashion, so as long as responses were relevant, and local, they were eligible and were counted. We try our best to screen out ballot stuffing, and present accurate results - but remember, these results represent our reader's opinions! We get to say our piece every other week of the year - so this was your chance to.

Thanks again to everyone who took the time to vote. Congratulations to all the nominees!

And the nominees are...

IntroPeople & PlacesThe Fine ArtsLocal Music
Bars & NightlifeLocal EatsShops & Services

Best of Buffalo 2014 Winners List

Note: If you'd like to link to Best of Buffalo from your blog or web site, please use the URL to the front page:

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If you'd like to peruse our nominees and winners in recent past years, take a look through the archives:

Best of Buffalo Archives: 20132012201120102009200820072006