
Ministry of Innovation / Business of Technology

reddit launches its own crowdfunding platform

The focus is on subreddit merch, but technically any redditor can make anything.

reddit has launched its own crowdfunding platform dubbed "redditmade" as of Wednesday, according to a post on the site. redditmade focuses on campaigns for T-shirts and knick-knacks associated with subreddit communities, but the boundaries expand as far as "the best designs and products by the community."

redditmade joins platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo, but with a more specific focus on redditors and items they want to see made. Sample projects on the redditmade front page currently include a "Not A Cocktail" book associated with r/cocktails, a t-shirt for r/redditblack, and bumper stickers for the r/camping subreddit.

While anyone can open any project for funding, the redditmade FAQ clarifies that "Official subreddit campaigns are distinguished on redditmade as featured campaigns, and they can also receive complimentary ads on reddit for the subreddit they are associated with." The ads are auto-generated but are not shown if the ad space has already been sold, reddit says.

In addition to giving users a platform to crowdfund, reddit also writes that redditmade will "connect you to our network of quality sourcing partners for a variety of products and walk you through every step of the process so your community can celebrate your connection and show off your pride without all the work," which goes a step beyond the involvement of other similar sites. The platform is open to new users now, but accounts must be connected to a reddit username.

Disclosure: reddit shares a parent company, Advance Publications, with Ars Technica's parent company, Condé Nast.

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