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Grace Chan
Grace Chan is vice president of product management for Wanderful Media, a startup reimagining the digital circular with Find&Save. Her product development experience includes leadership roles at MerchantCircle, Yahoo! and Intel.

Entries by Grace Chan

Six Reasons to Share Your Mobile Location

(2) Comments | Posted October 22, 2014 | 4:34 PM


As mobile phone usage becomes increasingly prolific, the number of location-based mobile applications has skyrocketed. The Pew Research Center reports that nearly half of adult smartphone owners use location-based services on their mobile devices -- not only for...

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6 Ways to Drive Nearby Shoppers Into Your Storefront

(0) Comments | Posted August 22, 2014 | 7:14 AM

In the not-so-distant past, small business owners relied only on print, radio and occasionally television advertisements to drive customers into their stores for sales and special events. These types of advertisements were all one-way, meaning store owners were not expecting or providing the means for customers to respond.

Today's marketplace...

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Got a Store? You Need an App for That

(0) Comments | Posted April 11, 2014 | 5:30 PM

In this competitive marketplace, an app needs to jump off the screen and capture the user's attention to gain any recognition. This is especially true for shopping apps. Retailers that are not incorporated into broader shopping apps are like sailors without a ship.

According to a recent...

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5 Reasons to Ditch the Internet and Head to Local Stores

(0) Comments | Posted December 18, 2013 | 2:15 PM

If your annual holiday shopping expedition entails sitting at a computer screen in a darkened room and dragging items to a shopping cart, you could be missing out on a truly rewarding and exciting experience. Yes, the prospect of fighting for a parking space and waiting in lines to pay...

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Smart Holiday Spending: Empowering Shopping Through Internet Research

(0) Comments | Posted November 18, 2013 | 6:30 PM

Whether waiting for Black Friday or choosing to start now, the Internet is a key research tool to gaining insight about the products available at local brick-and-mortar retailers. Buyers can also find out which items are hot and which ones are not--important knowledge for those who may not have the...

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Working Smart, Smart Devices and Now Smart Shopping

(0) Comments | Posted October 14, 2013 | 4:32 PM

If you love shopping or just like to save money (is there anyone walking this earth who doesn't?) and you have an Internet-connected device in your pocket or purse (i.e., smartphone and/or tablet) then you are part of the smart shopping revolution. Information is power, and when it comes to...

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How the Tablet Has Transformed the Retail Experience

(0) Comments | Posted September 18, 2013 | 6:19 PM

With 60% of North American online consumers expected to own a tablet by 2017, according to Forrester Research, it was inevitable that retailers would take advantage of the unique capabilities the tablet offers. Portability, touch computing and stunning visual design deliver unprecedented virtual shopping experience to consumers and...

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