Letter to Ms. Diane Klancher, Permian Asset Manager, Berry Oil, Midland, TX

Posted: August 18, 2013 in Uncategorized

Berry Oil

Midland, TX

Attn: Diane Klancher

Permian Asset Manager


Dear Ms. Klancher,

Following this introduction is a letter sent to me by a member of the Gardendale Accountability Project. Should you be interested in improving your company’s relationship and public image with our group please read it and consider our viewpoint and the viewpoint of the writer, namely, that some of your employees are bullies and are behaving as they did in junior high. If you desire to meet and try and work out some of these issues we will be glad to do so in a neutral setting.

 Dan Boggs

 From: a member of the Gardendale Accountability Project 

 After three and one half years of dealing with what I’ll call the “seedy” side of the oil business, I have figured a few things out. The issues are so complex that they could not possibly be explained in one writing so I will concentrate on just one, the BMOC syndrome. I believe that this tendency was formed in early childhood and developed rapidly in junior high and high school. It is a character flaw so insidious that if not corrected, can and has become an epidemic in our society. It is really nothing new under the sun, it just happens to be rearing its ugly head in our community in an alarming way.

      Everyone who attended junior high or high school understands this malady of the human soul. I am not formally trained in psychiatry but one does not have to be to understand this scourge on humanity. It is the basis of a large portion of the suffering we all endure while on this earth. This detestable trait runs parallel with big money and prosperity. With prosperity, always come individuals that are so insecure and greedy that they cannot help but to assume the role of the BMOC. These afflicted individuals are so compelled to run roughshod over their weaker brothers and sisters and become so puffed up in their pride, that their actions trigger a response on the other side to do something about it.

      The first thing to do is define this sickness of the soul and expose it. I do not and will never accept that these individuals and the companies they represent really have control over me. These sickos have taken “reasonable use” and inflated it to total domination. They have used the old tactic that if one tells a lie enough times, people will begin to believe it. Texas oil and gas law does not give the oil companies the right to do EVERYTHING they want to. They have assumed this all powerful position and just taken our rights from us. We want our rights back. We do not accept the domination of the “big men on campus.” We can all rest in the fact that pride always comes before a fall.  The fall is growing near.

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