More (bad) News from Gardendale

Posted: August 15, 2013 in Uncategorized

Today, an apparent tank battery fire and explosion left this:
tank battery explosion hwy 158 081513

This is a small battery. What happens when Berry’s Central Gathering System explodes and the toxic emissions are released onto residents? Truly, strict liability the legal premise, and this battle cry will be heard, “Berry/Linn, you should have known when you bought this lease that thousands of people lived here!”

  1. Hector Rodriguez says:

    Static Electricity ? Wonder if this battery even has the minimal grounding to prevent static discharge. Just by looking at the picture lightening protection is not the best money can buy. A top of the line lightening protection has lightening rods on all four corners of the battery higher than the tanks with grounding suffiecient enough to discarge the strike safely to ground.

  2. John says:

    You are uninformed. There was no fire.

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