Talon Stirs Up Environmental Misdeed in Gardendale

Posted: September 26, 2013 in Uncategorized

Talon Stirs Up Environmental Misdeed in Gardendale

Backhoe stirring up the goo/benzene/etc. in Gardendale pit! Berry Petoleum considers this ‘state of the art’ closing of a waste pit in Gardendale. Pour dirt in, stir it up, and cover…voila! A safely covered pit containing toxic chemicals! Hope that big ‘stir stick’ didn’t puncture the liner! Don’t worry Gardendale..this all has the approval of the RRC! It is cheaper to leave it buried on your land than to haul it off! The bozos doing the dirty work for Berry is Talon, the same group of yahoos that used brine to wet down another pit they were remediating! Can we trust them? Not based on their previous history in Gardendale!

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