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RG3 practices fully on Wednesday

Robert Griffin III AP

On Tuesday, coach Jay Gruden said that quarterback Robert Griffin III was “very, very, very close” to returning to the Redskins lineup.

Griffin may have added another “very” to that status on Wednesday when he was a full participant in practice for the first time since he dislocated his ankle in Week Two. Gruden said after practice that Griffin still needs to be cleared for game action by doctors, so it’s hardly a sure thing that he’ll be back in the lineup against the Vikings this weekend.

He still split first-team reps with Colt McCoy, however, and that should give Gruden a chance to analyze where Griffin is mentally after missing so much time. Assuming he passes both the physical and mental hurdles left to clear, it’s hard to imagine that Washington won’t turn back to Griffin.

The Redskins won against Dallas on Monday night and they beat the Titans when McCoy replaced Kirk Cousins two weeks ago, but Gruden stated plainly this week that Griffin is the team’s starting quarterback when he’s ready to return to the lineup. That won’t be the most popular decision in some circles, but we’ve already seen this season that things can change quickly at the quarterback position in Washington.

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32 Responses to “RG3 practices fully on Wednesday”
  1. thepftpoet says: Oct 29, 2014 4:01 PM

    It really doesn’t matter who starts for Washington Redskins

    The Minnesota Vikings will dominate this game.


    The Dynasty is here.

    It’s now your job as a football fan to acknowledge it.

  2. thegreatgabbert says: Oct 29, 2014 4:02 PM

    Robert doesn’t want to end up being Walter Pipp II.

  3. rickc402 says: Oct 29, 2014 4:04 PM

    McCoy did a fine job behind a horrid offensive line, but let’s we honest. He has engineered 3 touchdown drives in 6 quarters of football. While he played a good game in Dallas, it was the defense that won the game. Breeland played lights out.

  4. weepingjebus says: Oct 29, 2014 4:05 PM

    I was wondering what that crackling sound was.

  5. tennesseeoilers says: Oct 29, 2014 4:07 PM

    Colt McCoy no doubt scared the crap out of Griffin.

  6. tvguy22 says: Oct 29, 2014 4:07 PM

    That’s too bad. Right after they started winning.

  7. reptar310 says: Oct 29, 2014 4:10 PM

    The VIKINGS haven’t been to the Super Bowl since 1977, and have never won one.

    The REDSKINS haven’t even been to the NFC Championship since they last won a Super Bowl 22 years ago.

  8. dixonorifice says: Oct 29, 2014 4:12 PM

    I hope they have plenty of tape and glue ready on the sidelines

  9. commonsensedude says: Oct 29, 2014 4:14 PM

    Football fans act like they have amnesia. People forget how good this dude was just two years ago. It wasn’t just that he drove defenses crazy with his scrambling. He had the second highest QB ratio in the entire league and threw, I think, more long TD passes than anyone else. He essentially put the team on his back and ripped off seven wins in a row at a time when even the Head Coach had given up.

    He stank last year but then again, so did the entire team, including the Offense, Defense, Special Teams, the Coaching Staff and the Gatorade Guys.

    He’s going to finish the year strong and yet have a strong NFL career. He is special. Immature and needing to shut up, grow up and play. But still special.

  10. tombstone7 says: Oct 29, 2014 4:16 PM

    Nothing cures a injury when he sees his starting bid is in jeopardy……Go Colt…keep the pressure on the organization!

  11. akboot says: Oct 29, 2014 4:18 PM

    rg111 is just a glorified mcnabb.

  12. f1restarter says: Oct 29, 2014 4:22 PM

    Griffin sucks, but if you’re trying to come back after a long layoff, the Minnesota Vikings are a good team to do it against.

    They’ll make RG3 look like Aaron Rodgers.

  13. laserw says: Oct 29, 2014 4:28 PM

    Ginger Rogers Griffin is horrific.

    Those who point to 2012 forget his record afterwards – so let me rub your nose in it.

    In the last 14 games he has started AND finished, he has only three wins and 11 losses. And he lost (miserable play) in the first game this year.

    I do hope he starts – he will have one of his glass legs broken and the Redskins will be better off without him.

    He will NEVER be the same as he was in 2012. He is a sack and a fumble magnet who cnanot run a two minute offense in under four minutes, cannot read defenses, cannot hit deep balls with accuracy, and historically phone it in for two quarters only to pad his stats in the second half.

    He is a fraud – to suggest otherwise is to lie.

  14. igglesfan83 says: Oct 29, 2014 4:35 PM

    commonsense, yes, maybe. Or he’s a flash in the pan that defenses have adjusted to and can’t win unless he runs. And can’t stay healthy if he runs.

    I don’t think he’s a forgone conclusion to be a success in this league. The amount of time he’s missed puts him behind the 8-ball and needing to show something quickly or he runs the risk of never realizing the full potential of his physical gifts.

  15. brokebackbrees says: Oct 29, 2014 4:40 PM

    Why are they giving their 3rd string qb split reps with Colt McCoy?

  16. saundman2000 says: Oct 29, 2014 4:41 PM

    RGIII will never live up to the hype….it just got too high. Will he be a solid and winning QB…..Maybe, but I think he will miss a lot of games due to injury in his career. It will be frustrating for fans and the organization.

    It’s just his play style and how adept he is at controlling his body, pocket awareness, and avoiding hits. If he doesn’t improve on those fronts, he’s in trouble.

  17. ariani1985 says: Oct 29, 2014 4:44 PM

    Rg3 already resembles Erin rogers! Very injury prone!

    Badda bing baby! Ziiiiing!

  18. 23rdusernameused says: Oct 29, 2014 4:44 PM

    if by special, you mean made of glass and superglue, then yes, very special indeed!

  19. timespentdriving says: Oct 29, 2014 4:48 PM

    I almost feel bad for Colt McCoy. Even after going 25-30 for over 300yds and showing heart the kid probably won’t get a chance to lead this team or any other.

  20. packmanfan says: Oct 29, 2014 4:53 PM

    Since RG3 has lost more games than won, at this point I think he’s overrated.
    Perhaps time will prove me wrong.

  21. buds4grant says: Oct 29, 2014 4:55 PM

    The Mayo clinic is a short drive.

  22. sfsugator says: Oct 29, 2014 4:56 PM

    I’m curious to see if he can make it through this game with out shredding ligaments or popping bones out of sockets. I’m being serious.

  23. igglesfan83 says: Oct 29, 2014 4:57 PM

    Colt isn’t good enough to be a long term starter. History has proven that. But I don’t think you should feel bad for him. I bet he’s added 3-5 years onto his career as a backup who would otherwise have faded away after another season or two.

  24. panthrobro says: Oct 29, 2014 4:58 PM

    Over Rated (clap…clap..clap clap clap)

  25. soleobjective says: Oct 29, 2014 5:08 PM

    RGIII is getting the start on Sunday, its already out with the local media.

  26. gdublud says: Oct 29, 2014 5:09 PM

    McCoy is the better QB. If they want to tank the season and get a good draft pick than start RG III. If winning is the goal, McCoy is the obvious choice. No way they beat Dallas if Bob is playing last week. That is all.

  27. indytom87 says: Oct 29, 2014 5:10 PM

    Colt will be fine. He did enough to impress other teams to give him a shot at a starting job after this season.

  28. rickc402 says: Oct 29, 2014 5:15 PM

    The #1 reason for RG3’s struggles was on full display on Monday Night. The Redskins offensive line is so bad, they had trouble with a Dallas d-line that us comprised of cast off’s from other teams. RG3 will continue to struggle and so will any other QB until they address the offense line.

  29. In Teddy We Trust says: Oct 29, 2014 5:21 PM

    Just make sure you keep splitting reps between the two all week so neither one is as prepared as he could be. The Vikings beat Bobby Griffin, Jr. last year when they had the worst defense in team history, so I don’t think they’re too worried.

  30. davemmm says: Oct 29, 2014 5:23 PM

    It is so ironic how much slack is given to griffin but not to the other qb’s. When he comes back against the vikings and loses a close game they will talk about how he is rusty and needs time to get back to normal. All the while ignoring the rust that McCoy has developed over 3 years or that Cousins had being the backup.

    Rushing griffin back so quickly will only end badly.

  31. mnvikingsfan says: Oct 29, 2014 6:45 PM

    The first sack RG3andout takes will be McCoy’s signal to come into the game

  32. freedomofspeechyesway says: Oct 29, 2014 7:33 PM

    I’d like to see him play well.

    Realistically I foresee him getting absolutely crushed and hurt again.

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