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As Renewable Energy Grows, Wind and Solar Pull Ahead of Hydropower

Wind and solar energy now routinely surpasses hydroelectric generation as an energy source in the United States, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Hydropower is the largest source of renewable energy in the U.S. (but, not surprisingly, not in Texas). The state’s online Window on State Government calls it “a tiny portion of the [...]

How New Transmission Lines Are Bringing More Wind Power to Texas Cities

We’re all going to be paying for it, so you might be glad to know that a new set of transmission lines to bring wind power from the Panhandle and West Texas to folks in North and Central Texas appear to be off to a good start. According to a new federal analysis this week, [...]

As Renewables Grow in Texas, Battles Over Fees and Subsidies Emerge

In the coming years, the federal government wants Texas to reduce its carbon emissions by about 40 percent. With a goal like that, you might expect to see more programs aimed at promoting renewable energy in Texas. But something like the opposite appears to be happening. Donna Nelson, chair of Texas’ Public Utility Commission, asked last [...]

Texas Wind Power Breaks Another Record

Another record was set for wind power generation this week, according to the group that manages much of the state’s power. The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) says Wednesday evening, wind power generation on the grid reached10,296 megawatts (MW), or enough to power 5 million Texas homes during times of regular demand. That beat [...]

New Year Brings Good and Bad News For Texas Wind Power

Mose Buchele/StateImpactWind turbines in West Texas help produce record amounts of electricity for the state. By New Year’s Day, the network of transmission lines that comprise Texas’ “Competitive Renewable Energy Zone” [CREZ] will be fully operational, bringing electricity from wind turbines in West Texas and the Panhandle to points east. Many of the lines are [...]

Rolando Pablos Stepping Down From Public Utility Commission

Pablos has served on the commission for a little over a year.

Could Be A Setback For Solar in Texas As the legislature heats up and debate rises about what Texas should do about a developing energy crunch, Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) Commissioner Rolando Pablos announced his resignation today. At a commission meeting this morning, Pablos said that he had submitted his resignation this morning to [...]

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