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Fast Tracking Corporate Power: Investor-State Resolution and the TPP

Fast Tracking Corporate Power: Investor-State Resolution and the TPP



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The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal includes little-known provisions that allow companies to challenge as illegal trade barriers any government policies that purportedly infringe on the companies’ profits. The contentious "investor-state dispute resolution" allows a corporation to sue federal, state and local governments if it believes that a law or regulation will negatively affect its bottom line. Foreign companies or investors could challenge regulatory safeguards that protect our families, our communities and our air and water at a global trade tribunal that could overturn the rule and award the investor monetary damages.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal includes little-known provisions that allow companies to challenge as illegal trade barriers any government policies that purportedly infringe on the companies’ profits. The contentious "investor-state dispute resolution" allows a corporation to sue federal, state and local governments if it believes that a law or regulation will negatively affect its bottom line. Foreign companies or investors could challenge regulatory safeguards that protect our families, our communities and our air and water at a global trade tribunal that could overturn the rule and award the investor monetary damages.

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Categories:Types, Business/Law
Published by: Food and Water Watch on Jan 14, 2014
Copyright:Attribution Non-commercial


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Invesor-sae rade dispues urn democracy on is head by making governmens more responsive o he prois o oreign companies han o he healh and saey o heir own ciizens. The Norh American Free Trade Agreemen (NAFTA) was he irs rade deal o include he invesor-sae dispue provi-sions.
 Ever since, he righ o oreign companies o challenge local governmens has been a hallmark o U.S. rade policy.
A oreign company ha has “invesed” in a rading parner’s counry can sue or damages a an inernaional ribunal i i alleges ha a law or regulaion akes away is abiliy o earn expeced prois in ha counry.
 For example, i a oreign irm is harmed because a new environmenal law curbs polluion rom he irm’s plans, i could sue o recoup he los prois rom reducing is emissions or cleaning up is acories. Sae or local laws ha banned or even jus delayed he conrover-sial pracice o hydraulic racuring (racking) or naural gas could be a risk, as could sae effors o require labeling o oods made wih geneically engineered ingrediens. Companies already aggressively lobby Congress and he execuive branch agencies o limi oversigh and o block es-senial consumer and environmenal saeguards.
 Someimes companies even resor o local cours o preven regulaions rom going ino effec.
 The corporae ree rade invesor-sae provisions allow oreign companies o simply sue a counry, sae or localiy, challenging he laws o hese regions i he companies’ million-dollar lobbying effors don’ succeed in he poliical and regulaory arena. These suis are becoming more common, wih a record number o cases iled in 2012.
 Since NAFTA was signed in 1993, more han 500 cases had been iled as o he end o 2012.
 And here are many surprising places where hese cases are waged.
       
Philip Morris in Australia
In 2011, Ausralia passed a public healh law o discourage smoking by requiring he use o uniorm cigarete packaging o eliminae some o he branding and adverising ha is common on cigarete packs.
 All obacco sold in Ausralia would come in a plain, dark brown package, and 75 percen o he package would conain healh warnings, wih only he remainder allow-ing or he promoion o brand names and varians.
For U.S. obacco company Philip Morris, he new Ausralian law mean ha he money he company had invesed in markeing is cigaretes was less effecive. The cigarete maker argued ha he branding isel was he core o he cigarete business.
 In recogniion o is “loss,” Philip Morris sued Aus-ralia.
 The cigarete maker lobbied he Ausralian parliamen o preven his sensible public healh law rom being passed, bankrolling a lobbying campaign agains he law.
 Afer losing in he legislaure, Philip Morris challenged he law in Ausra-lia’s high cour bu los here, oo.
 Having ailed in is previous atemps o sop his law, Philip Morris is now rying o overurn his public healh law using invesor-sae provisions in a rade pac beween Ausralia and Hong Kong.
 The invesor-sae challenge eliminaes all hose
Fast Tracking Corporate Power:
Investor-State Dispute Resolution and the TPP
    
he Trans-Pacific Parnership (TPP) rade deal includes litle-known provisions ha allow companies o challenge as illegal rade barriers any governmen policies ha purporedly infringe on he companies’ profis. The conenious “invesor-sae dispue resoluion” allows a corporaion o sue federal, sae and local governmens if i believes ha a law or regulaion will negaively affec is botom line. Foreign companies or invesors could challenge regulaory safeguards ha proec our families, our communiies and our air and waer a a global rade ribunal ha could overurn he rule and award he invesor moneary damages.

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