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The So-Called Scientific "Consensus": Why the Debate on GMO Safety is Not Over

The So-Called Scientific "Consensus": Why the Debate on GMO Safety is Not Over

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Biotechnology seed companies are using their substantial resources to broadcast the myth of a "scientific consensus" on the safety of GMOs.
Biotechnology seed companies are using their substantial resources to broadcast the myth of a "scientific consensus" on the safety of GMOs.

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Published by: Food and Water Watch on Sep 15, 2014
Copyright:Traditional Copyright: All rights reserved


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           
iotechnology seed companies, aided by advocates from academia and the blogosphere, are using their substantial resources to broadcast the myth of a
          
asserting that the data is in and the debate is over. This public relations campaign, helped along by industry front groups, has caught the attention of some of the most
            
akin to climate change deniers, out of step with science.
However, unlike climae change, a subjec on which climae scieniss almos universally agree, here is no general agreemen on GMO saey. And whereas he climae change debae reers o clear, succinc posiions — wheher he earh is warming and wheher his is caused by human aciviy — he GMO saey debae encompasses dozens i no hundreds o saey quesions relaed o environmenal risks and human and animal healh concerns. GMO advocaes presen he “consensus” as reerring o a variey o vague hemes, such as he “general saey and nu-riional wholesomeness o GM [geneically modiied] oods and eeds,” “crop bioechnology saey” or simply “saey,” making i oally unclear wha aspec o saey he consensus covers.
GMO saey is a ar more complicaed issue han he bioech indusry presens, and mos scieniic bodies weighing in on he subjec, including many cied by GMO advocaes as par o he “consensus,” openly acknowledge unaddressed saey consideraions and gaps in he exising body o saey re-search. Ye he GMO-consensus campaign is misrepresening he views o a variey o scieniic organizaions by cherry-picking and ediing quoes, aking saemens ou o conex and incorrecly atribuing he opinions o individuals o scieniic bodies ha hey do no represen. As hundreds o independen scieniss now come orward o condemn he GMO-consensus campaign — explicily saying ha here is “no consensus” on he saey o GMOs
 — i’s ime o knock down he hree roten pillars supporing he so-called “consensus.”
        
The bioech indusry and is advocaes and deenders re-quenly asser some variaion o he claim ha here is “a consensus opinion o all he major scieniic bodies” on he
    
Why the Debate on GMO Safety Is Not Over
saey o GMOs.
 Bioech corporaions and indusry-riendly academics, wriers and ron groups generally cie he same “scieniic bodies,” using he same misleading quoes and alk-ing poins.
 The “scieniic bodies” ha purporedly are par o he “con-sensus” are ew in number and are by no means represena-ive o he enire scieniic communiy. They have no signed on o a speciic “consensus” saemen nor have hey, in mos cases, acually developed policy posiions on he subjec. By and large, he GMO-consensus campaign has misquoed or misrepresened hese scieniic bodies o alsely asser ha hey are par o a “consensus” on GMO saey. For example, he GMO-consensus campaign poins o he Royal Sociey o Medicine and he Royal Sociey o London as par o he scieniic “consensus,” based on quoes rom indi-viduals who are no ormal represenaives o hese groups.
 Neiher organizaion has an official policy on GMO saey.
Speciically, he GMO-consensus campaign assers ha he Royal Sociey o Medicine suppors he “consensus” based on a single, cherry-picked quoe rom a review aricle ha happened o be published in a journal run by he Sociey, bu which does no relec he official hinking or posiion o he organizaion.
This aricle no more represens he views o he Royal Sociey o Medicine han does he response leter ha he journal published, which criicized he aricle or acual inaccuracy and a lack o supporing daa.
 Meanwhile, he Royal Sociey o London is said o be par o he “consensus” based on excerped ex rom a newspaper aricle abou he Royal Sociey, no a quoe or policy posiion rom he Sociey isel.
 Noably, his aricle acually ocused on he Sociey’s decision o call or sricer saey esing o GMOs, asking or more deailed guidelines o assess wheher geneically engineered crops may “lead o unprediced harm-ul changes in he nuriional saus o oods.”
 Bioech advocaes cie he Naional Academies o Science (NAS) as par o he “consensus,” quoing he organizaion as saying, “To dae more han 98 million acres o geneically modiied crops have been grown worldwide. No evidence o human healh problems associaed wih he ingesion o hese crops or resuling producs have been ideniied,”
 bu ailing o add he res o he quoe, which dramaically changes he meaning: “bu concerns have been raised abou he poenial or ransgenic ood producs o cause allergic reacions or produce oxic compounds. In addiion, concree inormaion on he effecs o ransgenic plans on he environmen and on biological diversiy is sill sparse.”
 The NAS has no official posiion on he saey o GMOs and, in ac, iniiaed a new sudy o GMOs in 2014 o invesigae, among oher hings, saey issues, clearly indicaing ha he debae on saey is no over.
 The NAS has cied saey con-cerns wih GMOs or many years, including poenial unin-ended consequences associaed wih gene manipulaion; he poenial or geneic engineering echniques o raise “oxici-ies, allergies, nurien deiciencies and imbalances”; negaive effecs on beneicial, non-arge species; and he inadequacy o curren regulaory saey reviews.
 These concerns came rom repors ha were produced a a ime when bioech companies like Monsano and DuPon and he Bioechnology Indusry Organizaion, a rade associaion, sa on high-level Naional Research Council boards,
 and heir inluence may have weakened he language and conclusions. The NAS has also explicily called or pos-marke surveil-lance and epidemiological sudies,
 which would be needed o documen possible adverse healh effecs associaed wih cerain GMOs. This recommendaion echoes a call rom he larger scieniic communiy, which noes ha here has never been an epidemiological sudy o adverse effecs on human healh, in par because GMOs are no labeled in places like Norh America, where many o he world’s GMOs are culi-vaed and consumed.
Bioech advocaes have also misrepresened he views o he World Healh Organizaion (WHO) by using a parial quoe similar o ha o he NAS: “No effecs on human healh have
been shown as a resul o he consumpion o GM oods by he general populaion in he counries where hey have been approved.”
 GMO aciviss cherry-picked his quoe, however, omiting he preceding ex: “Differen GM organisms include differen genes insered in differen ways. This means ha individual GM oods and heir saey should be assessed on a case-by-case basis and ha
it is not possible to make general statements on the safety of all GM foods”
(emphasis added).
Bioech advocaes also poin o he American Medical Asso-ciaion (AMA), offering a parial quoe rom an AMA council repor — no official AMA policy — which was designed o ad-dress GMO labeling, no GMO saey.
 The quoe, like ha o he NAS and he WHO, cies he lack o documened adverse effecs on human healh rom GMOs,
 bu, once again, GMO advocaes chose o misrepresen he AMA council repor’s ull saemen, which acknowledges he poenial or adverse effecs and he need or mandaory, pre-marke saey assess-mens.
 The inal, official AMA policy — adoped by he organizaion’s governing body in 2012 — does no include he quoe used by he GMO-consensus campaign, and i acually noes poenial saey issues wih GMOs
and explicily recom-mends ways o improve saey assessmens, including he “developmen and validaion o addiional echniques or he deecion and/or assessmen o uninended effecs.”
 The American Associaion or he Advancemen o Science (AAAS) is cied as par o he “consensus” on GMO saey, bu he acs are less clear. In 2012, he AAAS Board o Direcors, a ha ime led by Nina Fedoroff, a leading GMO advocae who has signiican ies o he bioechnology indusry, issued a saemen abou GMO labeling, no GMO saey.
 The saemen appears o have been writen wih alking poins rom he GMO-consensus campaign, including erroneously saing ha he AMA, he WHO, he NAS, he Royal Sociey “and every oher respeced organizaion ha has examined he evidence” have “come o he same conclusion” ha GMO ood is as sae as non-GMO ood.
 Such a dubious sae-men grossly misrepresens he scieniic communiy — and he views o many AAAS members, a leas 20 o whom came orward o condemn he AAAS policy agains GMO labeling.
 The AAAS has never issued an official policy on GMO saey.
Pro-GMO aciviss poin o “seven o he world’s academies o sciences” as par o he “consensus” based on a cherry-picked quoe rom a repor ha is nearly 15 years old.
 Tha repor, auhored in par by he NAS and he Royal Sociey o London, does no sae or conclude ha GMOs are sae, and explicily noes “he possibiliy o long-erm adverse effecs” on human healh, he “virual absence o daa” on he risks o GMO gene low and ha GMOs’ “acual effecs on he environmen and on biological diversiy is sill very sparse.”
 The repor explic-ily noed ha here was “no consensus” on environmenal impacs o GMOs.
The GMO-consensus campaign cies he European Commis-sion (EC) as par o he “consensus” based on a single quoe rom a repor ha he EC issued, which was edied o make i appear more avorable: i was changed rom saying ha GMOs are “no
per se 
 more risky han e.g. convenional plan breeding echnologies” o “…no more risky han..
 And, as many scieniss have poined ou, his EC repor was no a deiniive review o GMO saey, looking only a ive eeding sudies on GMOs, or example — none o which presened

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