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The Urgent Case for a Ban on Fracking

The Urgent Case for a Ban on Fracking

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Food & Water Watch's report "The Urgent Case for a Ban on Fracking" reviews the most recent scientific studies and renews the organization's call for the prohibition of fracking worldwide.
Food & Water Watch's report "The Urgent Case for a Ban on Fracking" reviews the most recent scientific studies and renews the organization's call for the prohibition of fracking worldwide.

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Published by: Food and Water Watch on Sep 15, 2014
Copyright:Traditional Copyright: All rights reserved


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ood & Water Watch
works to ensure the food and water we consume is safe, accessible and sustainably produced. So we can all enjoy and trust in what we eat and drink, we help people take charge of where their food
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About Food & Water Watch
Copyright © September 2014 by Food & Water Watch.
All rights reserved.
This report can be viewed or downloaded at
The Urgent Case for a Ban on Fracking
n many ways, racking is he environmenal issue o our ime. I’s an issue ha ouches on every aspec o our lives — he waer we drink, he air we breahe, he healh o our communiies — and i is also impacing he global climae on which we all depend. I pis he larges corporae ineress — big oil and gas companies and he poliical leaders who suppor hem — agains people and he environmen in a long-erm sruggle or survival. I is an issue ha has capivaed he hears and minds o hundreds o housands o people across he Unied Saes and across he globe. And i is an area in which, despie he massive resources o he Frackopoly — he cabal o oil and gas ineress promoing his pracice — we as a movemen are making remendous srides as our collecive power coninues o grow. Food & Waer Wach is proud o work shoulder o shoulder wih communiies across he counry and across he world in his effor. Wih mouning evidence abou he harms o racking and he immediacy o he impending climae crisis, his repor lays ou he urgen case or a ban on racking.In 2009, we became alarmed abou he hrea ha hydraulic racuring (racking) posed o our waer resources. Communiies around he counry were already raising he alarm abou he ill effecs ha racking was having, rom increased ruck raffic o spills and even ap waer ha could be li on ire hanks o mehane leaks rom racking wells ino waer sources.Meanwhile, many naional environmenal groups were ouing naural gas as a “bridge uel” — a beter means o producing energy rom ossil uels han coal, a source ha everyone knew we had o move away rom urgenly o reduce he carbon emissions ha were heaing he plane a a dangerous rae. Communiies ha were already eeling he effecs o he echnology, or ha were ighing he coming wave o racking, el berayed ha he place hey lived could become one o he sacriicial zones — wih many environmenaliss’ blessing. Over he nex ew years, scieniic evidence would moun ha no only is racking no climae riendly, bu i has he poenial o unleash massive amouns o mehane ha will conribue o climae disaser.So we began our work on racking wih
Not So Fast, Natural Gas 
, our repor ha raised serious ques-ions abou racking saey and he naural gas rush being promoed by indusry and governmen. Tha repor, released in 2010, called or a series o regulaory reorms, bu he evidence coninued o moun. The nex year, afer looking a even greaer evidence o he inheren problems wih racking, and real-izing how inadequaely he saes were regulaing he oil and gas indusry and enorcing hose regula-ions, Food & Waer Wach became he irs naional organizaion o call or a complee ban on racking, and we released he repor
The Case for a Ban on Gas Fracking 
.Since he release o ha repor in 2011, more han 150 addiional sudies have been conduced on a range o issues — rom waer polluion o climae change, air polluion o earhquakes — reinorcing he case ha racking is simply oo unsae o pursue. In he ace o such sudies, and ollowing he lead o grass-roos organizaions ha have been a he oreron o his movemen, a consensus is emerging among hose working agains racking ha a ban is he only soluion. No only are ederal and sae officials no regulaing he pracice o racking, i is so dangerous and he poenial so grea ha i canno be regu-laed, even i here were he poliical will. This is why Americans Agains Fracking, a naional coaliion ha Food & Waer Wach iniiaed in 2012, has coninued o atrac suppor. The coaliion now has over 275 organizaions a he naional, sae and local levels unied in calling or a ban on racking and relaed aciviies.
Letter from Wenonah Hauter
Executive Director, Food & Water Watch

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