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Trouble Brewing in the Great Lakes

Trouble Brewing in the Great Lakes



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Unconventional oil and gas development poses a significant threat to the North American Great Lakes, the largest cluster of freshwater lakes in the world.
Unconventional oil and gas development poses a significant threat to the North American Great Lakes, the largest cluster of freshwater lakes in the world.

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Categories:Types, Legal forms
Published by: Food and Water Watch on Jan 29, 2014
Copyright:Attribution Non-commercial


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           
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                                            
Bu he indusry, seemingly hard pressed o make Norh America he leading producer o oil and gas, is puting he inegriy o he Grea Lakes in danger wih he developmen o Albera’s oxic ar sands oil and inensive energy exracion mehods such as hydraulic racuring.From he wesern boreal oress o Albera, he expansion o ar sands oil is increasing he need or more pipelines and re-ineries, which could have devasaing impacs on he environ-men, irreplaceable welands and habias, and he communi-ies in he pah o he indusrializaion.
 Growing ineres in shale gas developmen in he region has made racking and drilling a hrea o he Grea Lakes.
  
Based on daa rom early 2013, here are approximaely 26 op-eraional oil reineries in he Grea Lakes region,
 and planned expansion o ar sands reineries could lead o more oxic air polluion in he area.
 Reineries (and naural gas processing plans) urn raw exraced ossil uels ino inal producs or ransporaion, indusrial, commercial or residenial use, as well as pero-chemicals used or manuacuring.
 When reining ar sands oil, oxic polluans — including sulur dioxide, suluric acid, nirogen oxides and heavy meals — are released, which can impac boh air and waer qualiy as well as public healh.
    
Trouble Brewing in the
Environmenal polluion disproporionaely affecs low-in-come, minoriy communiies.
 Described as “sacriice zones,” hese communiies ofen are repeaedly exposed o oxic indusrial polluion, including rom reineries in economically disadvanaged areas.
 As described by a Deroi residen liv-ing hal a mile rom a reinery operaed by Marahon Pero-leum Co.: “The smell, i was like his burning ar, wih ha benzene and ha sulur. I waned o scream.”
 “We acually are lab ras,” explained anoher residen and cancer survivor who is chronically exposed o he carcinogenic emissions.
Sae Represenaive Rashida Tlaid (D-MI) explained ha de-spie promised jobs, “My residens and I eel ha jobs can’ ix cancer. I has o be abou he ac ha his massive reinery is living nex o a very poor, minoriy communiy in Deroi wih no real proecion. When my residens hear sirens, hey cross heir ingers and hope i’s no some sor o huge explosion.”
Piping Bitumen
As reineries muliply, he demand or pipeline inrasrucure rises.
 Bu wih an aging pipeline inrasrucure buil largely in he 1950s and 1960s, here is concern abou pipeline inegri-y as he producion o unconvenional ar sand oil increases.
Biumen, a orm o peroleum exraced rom ar sands, is a hick, black hydrocarbon ha mus be dilued so ha i can be ranspored hrough pipelines, increasingly, o reineries in he Grea Lakes and Midwesern regions o Norh America. Dilued biumen, dubbed “dilbi” or shor, is a corrosive, acidic cockail, rich in heavy meals, sulur and sedimens ha can grae agains he insides o a pipeline, increasing wear and ear and possible pipeline ailure.
Alhough a June 2013 sudy boased ha dilbi’s corrosiveness does no increase he risk or pipeline ailures in comparison o oher crude oils, he suppor or indings ress in sel-repored indusry daa, previously conduced indusry-driven research and he involvemen o various people ha have relaionships and affiliaions wih he oil and gas indusry.
 Conrarily, a Cornell Universiy repor ound: “Beween 2007 and 2010, pipelines ransporing dilued biumen ar sands in he norhern Midwes have spilled hree imes more oil per mile han he naional average or convenional crude oil.”
 A noably devasaing ar sands spill, one o he wors and mos expensive oil spills in U.S. hisory, occurred in July 2010 when a pipeline owned by Enbridge Inc. (Canada’s larges pipeline ransporer o crude oil) rupured near Talmadge Creek, a ribuary o Michigan’s Kalamazoo River, spilling as much as 1 million gallons o ar sands crude (dilbi). The inland cleanup cos almos a billion dollars, and he spill dev-asaed sensiive ecosysems and impaced people who live in nearby communiies.
 The usual spill-response mehods — applying skimmers and booms on he surace o he river — were o litle use because he heavy, viscous oil sank and spread along he botom o he river. The luids used o dilue he ar sands oil had become separaed afer he spill, and he oxic vapors conaining ben-zene and polycyclic hydrocarbons escaped ino he air, leaving he heavy oil o sink.
 When exposed o he oxic vapors o dilbi, people can suffer rom respiraory problems and oher inernal damages. Ac-cording o a sample o Michigan residens, over one-hird o people living in communiies impaced by Enbridge’s Ka-
lamazoo acciden relocaed due o local air polluion. Local residens exposed o he spill repored roubling neurological, respiraory and gasroinesinal problems.
Meanwhile, Enbridge is proposing massive pipeline expansion projecs hroughou he Grea Lakes region.
 This includes he expansion o wo pipelines ha run under he Srais o Mackinac, a waerway joining Lake Michigan and Lake Huron. These pipelines have no been replaced in six decades, and he company wans o increase he amoun o ar sands oil pumped on a daily basis. Any sor o leakage would spew oxins ino he Grea Lakes.
 (See Figure 1 below and Table 1 in Appendix.)
   
Wih shale gas reserves underlying vas pars o he Grea Lakes region — including Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Onario and Qebec
 — here is he poenial or wide-spread shale drilling and racking. Hydraulic racuring, or racking, is a process ha injecs large quaniies o waer, sand and oxic chemicals under high pres-sure o release gas ha is ighly held in rock layers.
 Frack-ing uses millions o gallons o racking luid or a single well; a blend o waer, sand and chemicals is pumped underground a high pressure o break up rock, allowing gas o low ino he well.
 Some o he racking luid says underground indei-niely, and he res lows back up ou o he well.
The lowback wasewaer conains, in addiion o he original racking luids, poenially exreme levels o harmul con-aminans ha are brough o he surace, which can include arsenic, lead, hexavalen chromium, barium, sronium, benzene, polycyclic aromaic hydrocarbons, oluene, xylene, corrosive sals and naurally occurring radioacive maerial, such as radium-226.
 The process releases chemicals ha can cause cancer; disrup he endocrine sysem; affec he nervous, immune and cardiovascular sysems; and/or affec sensory organs and he respiraory sysem.
A common mehod o disposing o he lowback is hrough underground injecion wells, a pracice ha has grown ram-pan in Ohio and Michigan, urning he wo saes ino dump-ing grounds or racking wase. Injecing oxic lowback ino underground wells can pu aquiers and drinking waer a risk and has been linked o increased earhquake aciviy.
 The expansion o shale gas developmen could harm he Grea Lakes wih mehane leaks and wasewaer spills. Already, here are 52 acive racking permis in Michigan, wih anoher 5 pending applicaions,
 and Encana has big plans o drill an ad-diional 500 shale wells using 4 billion gallons o groundwaer.
 According o a Unied Naions Waer repor: “Scarciy is also a quesion o waer qualiy …. Waer qualiy degradaion can be a major cause o waer scarciy.”
 Problemaically, a U.S. Geologi-cal Survey publicaion noes ha pollued groundwaer sources can be a source o long-erm surace waer polluion.
           
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      
(thousand barrels a day)
Enbridge Mainline SystemRegional Oil Sands SystemOther
    7   4  -   4    8    8   4    8    9  -    9    0    2    9    0    3  -    1 ,     3    1   6    1 ,     3    1    7  -    1 ,     7    3    0    1 ,     7    3    1  -    2 ,     1   4   4    7   4  -   4    8    8   4    8    9  -    9    0    2    9    0    3  -    1 ,     3    1   6    1 ,     3    1    7  -    1 ,     7    3    0    1 ,     7    3    1  -    2 ,     1   4   4    7   4  -   4    8    8   4    8    9  -    9    0    2    9    0    3  -    1 ,     3    1   6    1 ,     3    1    7  -    1 ,     7    3    0    1 ,     7    3    1  -    2 ,     1   4   4
Source: Food & Water Watch analysis of data, see Table 1.

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Piping millions of barrels of toxic tar sands oil throughout North America is simply not in the public interest. It would put the Great Lakes and the region’s environment, public health and economy at risk, solely for the benefit of oil and gas industry profits
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