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Police: 2 Dead In Texas Hospital Shooting

Updated: Wednesday, October 22 2014, 07:39 PM CDT

HOUSTON -- Police say a man walked up to a female co-worker in a Houston hospital pharmacy and shot her fatally before turning the gun on himself.

The incident happened Wednesday afternoon at the Ben Taub Hospital pharmacy, which is situated in a building separate from the main hospital.

According to a witness and surveillance video, the man approached the woman from behind at her cubicle work station, shot her, then shot himself. Police say both died at the scene, but no other injuries were reported.

Houston police spokesman John Cannon says witnesses reported the man may have made advances on the woman recently. It was unclear if she had spurned those advances.

(Copyright 2014 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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Police: 2 Dead In Texas Hospital Shooting

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