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Open Data Policies At Work

A bird's eye view of open data policies

Open data policies — at all levels of government — are springing up around the country. To help keep track of the growth and evolution of these policies, we've compiled this bird's eye view of current and newly emerging policies at the state and local level, as well as best practice resources for those beginning their own open data journey or looking to track this information on their own.

Where & When

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Upcoming Legislation


DIY Open Data Tracking

Specific Open Data Policies

Find and contribute to lists of specific open data policies on the Sunlight Policy Open Data repo.

State and Federal Legislative Alerts

Using Scout, Sunlight's innovative legislative tracking service, you can track State and Federal actions on open data, FOI, and other important issues.

For emails updates on new state open data bills, create an alert for our State Open Data Bill collection.

Or to follow via a RSS feed:

Additional Resources

From Sunlight Foundation:

Around the Web:

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