
Neil Patrick Harris Officially Joins AHS: Freak Show — and David Burtka, His Husband, Is Coming With!

Neil Patrick Harris David Burka American Horror Story Freak Show

American Horror Story: Freak Show is making Neil Patrick Harris‘ upcoming stint something of a family affair.

TVLine has confirmed exclusively that Harris and his real-life husband, David Burtka, are set to guest-star on FX’s anthology smash.

Harris will appear in Freak Show‘s 11th and 12th episodes as a chameleon salesman, while Burtka will turn up in the season finale (Episode 13) in what I’m told is a sexy storyline with Jessica Lange’s batty chanteuse.

Earlier this month, Horror Story puppetmaster Ryan Murphy — who invited AHS super-fan (and good friend) NPH on the show via Twitter back in August — told TVLine of Harris’ forthcoming Freak Show stint: “He had very specific ideas for what he wanted to do, and I had very specific ideas, so we’re working on melding those.”

Murphy and Harris’ previous collaboration — a Season 1 episode of Glee — netted the How I Met Your Mother actor an Emmy for Guest Actor in a Comedy Series.

The Freak Show development caps a busy news cycle for Harris, who was recently tapped to host the 2015 Oscars and headline his own NBC variety series.

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  1. alistaircrane says:

    This could be fun!

  2. Dean says:

    Cool after how I met your mother its a nice change to see him in something dark.

  3. BP says:

    Was hoping he was cast as some sort of Magician

  4. steven says:

    Okay. This makes up for not bringing back Zachary Quinto.

  5. Nikita says:


  6. jasie says:

    This is the problem with this show. Rm tries to write new characters in whenever an actor says they’d be interested. There are already too many characters in this season. The story lines just feel choppy to me so far in these three eps.

    • Jonathan says:

      I agree 1 thing I’m not really liking so far is the surplus of people that are coming and going, its too fast paced to keep up with. This is what happened with “Coven” it started off good, and thenow gothe so messy with the stories the whole season went downhill

  7. mfarris70 says:

    And therein lies my problem with Ryan Murphy’s style– someone famous wants in and Murphy finds a way to make it happen rather than writing a good season and finding the best performers to make it happen.

    • fableddead says:

      It’s not “someone famous” for one, as it says they are good friends. That’s kinda how this world works, friends are gravitated towards friends. Look at the Happy Gilmore movies, the Kevin Smith movies, and many other franchises. Secondly, NPH is a great addition.

      • Reality says:

        That’s a really poor comparison because while those movies are made within groups of friends, they already know who is going to be in them in advance with their parts already written. They didn’t just decide to tweak things around to add in a character that would be played by a “friend”. If AHS were a serialized show, it would not be a big deal, but it’s supposed to have a structured and complete story each season. Murphy constantly does this, suddenly making late cast editions with high-profile actors.

  8. B says:

    Does that mean a salesman with a chameleon nature or a salesman who sells chameleons?

  9. Eddie says:

    …and then all the Glee people will pop out of a circus tent and do a musical number like its the Academy Awards. This used to be my favorite show and now it’s gone down the toilet. This season is absolutely terrible.

    • Joey says:

      You’re saying this as if Coven’s writing wasn’t horrendous, only saved by the acting.

    • Kevin says:

      meh, it’s you who speak such hyperbolic things as “absolutely” terrible that makes me hate the internet. most are just part of a unnecessarily cruel, unforgiving mob

  10. I can’t wait to see what kind of role that Neil and David will be playing on the show. I know that it will be a eye-opener.

  11. webly3 says:

    Really? Introducing recurring characters that close to the end of the season… sounds dumb.

  12. Lisa Baldwin says:

    Well, I guess I will be the minority here because I do not see NPH as a serious actor and he really does’nt fit into the AHS family. He might as well have gotten a part as a stone cold bad ass on Sons of Anarchy. It make as much sense, As you can tell, I am not a Doogie fan, but I stay glued to the screen when AHS is on. BTW, how can they use NPH after having Adam Levine in a guest roll?

  13. Danielle says:

    Wow. Some of you have no clue about how business and entertainment works.

    Just because this news was just announced doesn’t mean it was just decided. They have probably been talking about it for a year. Even the “ripped from the headlines” plots of Law & Ordee take a while to produce.

    When you are marketing a product, such as a tv show, you roll out announcements slowly, not all at once, so people keep talking about it. If they announced every actor and teased every plot twist at the beginning of the season, there would be nothing to keep them in the news for the whole season.

  14. RoseTerhune says:

    Love this show. 76 years old and love Twisty???? Wish this show could always be on tv, as a series. Boo Hoo poor Meep. FX Rocks.

  15. Connie S says:

    NPH is such a good actor that I can’t wait. He was wonderful in ‘Gone Girl.’

  16. Sherrie says:

    Ugh!!:/ can’t stand him.

  17. Samuel Hain says:

    Poo Pushing Party at Neil Pootrick’s!

  18. Denise Mychele Hutchinson says:

    Great additionseeing to the show. Enjoying the new Freak Show. Can’t go wrong with American Horror Story. Great cast and crew. Keepem coming!!

  19. Seeing too much of him already , too overexposed

  20. AHSWatcher says:

    Woot i love harris and find him extreamly funny. Will be interesting to see him play in a dark show such as AHS

  21. red36 says:

    Work with what you have. Enough of NPH and Betty White. You see them so much that it causes a dislike for both. Use to love them.

  22. If it weren’t for Twisty the Clown (John Carroll Lynch), “AHS: Freak Show” would be yet another forgettable and mediocre foray into the dark side. Instead of standing out as unique misfit characters intertwined in an interesting and compelling story arc, the freaks have become caricatures of Ryan Murphy’s and Brad Falchuk’s own making.

  23. so sick of Neal Patrick Harris

  24. Tony says:

    AHS is the best show ever. I can’t wait to see who’s coming next…..

  25. Carole Hamill says:

    I thoroughly ENJOYED “COVEN” and the way they ended it, I was hoping for more…. not so excited with “Freak Show” … I expected over the top for this season, however, you won’t see me missing an episode!!! Jessica Lang is AmAzInG, an I thought Kathy Bates was AWESOME in COVEN…. I’ll be watching anyway, so let’s see what some new Players add to the mix!! Thanks!!

  26. hud says:

    Disturbing, on so many levels.


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