Report: Jian Ghomeshi Couldn't Attack Women in Front of His Teddy Bear

A total of eight women, including Trailer Park Boys actress Lucy DeCoutere, have come forward to the Toronto Star with horrifyingly detailed stories of escalating violence and sexual harassment at the hands of former CBC host Jian Ghomeshi. » 10/29/14 10:33pm 17 minutes ago

Mama June on Child Molester Ex: "The Truth Will Come Out on My Side"

Wresting the dark story away from TMZ, E! aired an "exclusive interview" with Here Comes Honey Boo Boo matriarch Mama June, who was finally forced to (sort of) address the deeply depressing rumor that she's back together with a convicted child molester who raped her oldest daughter. » 10/29/14 9:29pm Today 9:29pm

Woman Describes Date with CBC Host Jian Ghomeshi: "He Hit Me Repeatedly"

A woman who briefly dated Jian Ghomeshi—the former CBC host accused of beating several women—tells the Canadian radio station that he ended their last date by throwing her on the ground and punching her over and over until she started crying. » 10/29/14 8:07pm Today 8:07pm

Can San Francisco's Puppet Mayor Survive Despite His Techie Friends?

For much of Ed Lee's first term as Mayor of San Francisco, he enjoyed both the popular support of the public and the financial backing of tech tycoons. Last March, a stunning 65 percent of local voters approved of Lee's handling of the job. Then the Google Bus protests happened, the cost of living kept rising, and… » 10/29/14 6:52pm Today 6:52pm

​Wednesday Night TV Didn't Love the Nineties the First Time Around

Week's moving at quite a clip now, picking up speed. The end in sight. Hallowe'en spookily looming, and the long days after. Soon, on Sunday night, Daylight Savings will either begin or end depending on how that works. But for now, the days end darker and darker every time; they yearn for equinox. And what can we… » 10/29/14 6:02pm Today 6:02pm

Whisper CEO Insists That The Guardian "Got the Facts Wrong"

Whisper CEO Michael Heyward has turned more forceful in dismissing allegations from The Guardian that his anonymous app was tracking users, including people who opted out of geolocation before sharing their secrets. » 10/29/14 5:33pm Today 5:33pm

What's Leaving Netflix on Friday

You have 48 hours to watch the following movies before they leave Netflix with no word on when they will return. Could be in a week, could be years from now. You don't know, and Netflix isn't telling. Luckily a lot of them suck super bad so this will not be painful for you, but then in other cases maybe you will find,… » 10/29/14 5:10pm Today 5:10pm

This Week in Tabloids: Ariana Grande Screams Whenever She's Thirsty

Welcome to Midweek Madness, in which your friendly neighborhood idiot goes door-to-door looking for chicken wings and ends up with suspicious-looking nuggets instead. This week, Oprah's car runs over an anonymous foot, Kanye threatens to crack the Kardashian Safe of B-Roll Lies, Tommy Mottola is maybe tryna holler at… » 10/29/14 5:05pm Today 5:05pm

Honey Boo Boo matriarch Mama June will tell her side of the story on E! News tonight, following reports that she's rekindled her relationship with the man who reportedly molested her daughter Anna. June said today, "the protection of my kids is my number one priority" and "we are handling this as a family matter." » 10/29/14 3:46pm Today 3:46pm

If One Mystery Could Be Solved In Your Lifetime, What Would It Be?

The sad thing about life is that one usually dies before so many confounding mysteries are solved. These mysteries keep me going! I'm thinking I'll probably be dead before the world knows who killed JonBenét Ramsey, and that's infuriating because I really want to know who did. So if you're reading this and I'm dead… » 10/29/14 3:40pm Today 3:40pm

Report: Piece of Amelia Earhart's Plane Found on Island Where She Died

The International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery claims that a scrap of aluminum recovered from Nikumaroro, an uninhabited atoll in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, belongs to Amelia Earhart's plane. The new purported evidence supports a theory that the doomed pilot made a forced landing on an island in the… » 10/29/14 3:30pm Today 3:30pm

Watch Mike Tyson Fight Himself in Mike Tyson's Punch-Out

Mike Tyson, of Mike Tyson's Punch-Out, was one of the most fearsome Nintendo bosses of any '80s kid's childhood. He hit extremely hard, and it was hard to hit him back. So it's understandable that the real Mike Tyson might be a little nervous to face himself in his 8-bit prime. » 10/29/14 3:20pm Today 3:20pm