You Have To See These Indonesian Soccer Dudes Throw This Match

Words like "unbelievable" are thrown around too often in sports, but the highlight video above and especially the extended clips below of two Indonesian soccer teams throwing a match is exactly what the word unbelievable was meant to express. But then you realize that they're doing so to maybe save their lives, and it… » 10/29/14 6:45pm Today 6:45pm

Here's An Odd Legal Journal Letter About The NFL And The Ray Rice Tapes

A couple of tipsters have pointed us to an anonymous question printed in the October issue of the New York State Bar Association Journal. Take it with a grain of salt, but correspondent "Tim Troubled" says his firm dealt with a pro sports league that sounds a lot like the NFL, and a pro athlete who sounds a lot like… » 10/29/14 6:32pm Today 6:32pm

Here's T-Pain Singing His Ass Off Without Auto-Tune

T-Pain was and is entertaining—and T-Pain was and is important—not just because he built a career a decade ago by making fun, light songs about drinking and/or having sex with women, but because of how he did it. He utilized and popularized Auto-Tune, and in doing so transformed both rap and R&B, paving the way for… » 10/29/14 6:26pm Today 6:26pm

Florida State Just Taking A Stroll In Front Of Joe's Crab Shack

We've given Florida State its share of grief today, but it's important to remember that not all scandals are created equal. There are felonies, and there are misdemeanors (though college football coverage often swirls those two together like mixers in a glass). There are the ones that make you say, "Oh my God, that's… » 10/29/14 6:14pm Today 6:14pm

Report: Joe Maddon To Manage The Cubs

Well, that happened pretty quickly. It's been less than a week since Joe Maddon left the Tampa Bay Rays in the dust, and he's already found himself a new job managing the Chicago Cubs, according to Jon Heyman of CBS Sports. » 10/29/14 5:57pm Today 5:57pm

Can American Des Linden Win The NYC Marathon?

I like Des Linden. I like her to throw it down for the win at this weekend's NYC Marathon. Reason is, in running's top echelon, Linden has only been blessed, and it's sort of a dubious blessing, with the ability to work hard. She has ground and scrapped and relentlessly gutted out every second's improvement for eight… » 10/29/14 4:51pm Today 4:51pm

High School Quarterback Blows Play-In Game In Worst Way Imaginable

Spanish Fork High School had the lead and the ball in the final seconds of a play-in game against Maple Mountain, and was well on its way to the Utah state tournament. With Maple Mountain out of timeouts, Spanish Fork decided to run a play on fourth down and run off the six seconds remaining on the clock. I don't want… » 10/29/14 4:27pm Today 4:27pm

Bill Belichick Likely To Study Tape Of His Slaying Of Reporter

We've gone over this before, but Bill Belichick's adept at letting reporters draw out their questions before he shuts them down with curt answers. (It's entertaining, if your job isn't covering the Patriots.) Naturally, the media wanted to talk about Peyton Manning vs. the Patriots today, and Belichick did what he… » 10/29/14 4:08pm Today 4:08pm

Even Carlo Ancelotti Wishes Sepp Blatter Would Shut The Fuck Up

FIFA has released its Ballon d'Or shortlist, which means Sepp Blatter can take time away from his day job of punching up FIFA propaganda and gets to enjoy some of that media facetime he loves so much. Like you, Real Madrid manager Carlo Ancelotti would prefer Sepp spared us his hot takes. » 10/29/14 3:12pm Today 3:12pm

Stella Artois Is A Disgrace To Belgium

A couple weeks ago, I wrote a big, trashy, sensationalist, and 100-percent accurate post titled "There Is No Excuse For Drinking Heineken," in which I argued that there are literally thousands of better-tasting ways to communicate to the world that you have a dollar more than the price of a Budweiser. I thought that… » 10/29/14 2:49pm Today 2:49pm

The Assassination Of Iker Casillas By The Coward José Mourinho

Real Madrid handily beat Barcelona this weekend, with adulation bestowed upon many of the individual victors for their performance. Isco proved his grit and talent in fighting for a spot on a team lousy with great attacking midfielders and excelling when given the chance. James Rodríguez showed why he was made the… » 10/29/14 2:22pm Today 2:22pm