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Fast Food

Photo of elderly man eating lunch with picture of deceased wife goes viral


This man never dines without a picture of his sweetheart. (Madina Bashizaduah)

Every picture tells a story.  

But a photo making the Internet rounds of a man eating at a California In-N-Out Burger alongside a picture of his deceased wife has uncovered a story of true love that will make you squeeze your honey extra hard tonight.

Two weeks ago, user "soulrose" posted a picture of a man perched in a red and white booth gazing longingly at a photo, with his walker nearby.

"I saw this elderly gentleman dining by himself, with an old picture of a lady in front of him. I though [sic] maybe I could brighten his day by talking to him,” soulrose writes.

After talking to the man, the user found out it was indeed his wife, and proceeded to be blown away by the story of how they met and their enduring love.

“They met when they were both 17. They dated briefly, then lost contact when he went to war and her family moved. But he said he thought about her the entire war. After his return, he decided to look for her. He searched for her for 10 years and never dated anyone,” soulrose wrote.  

“People told him he was crazy, to which he replied 'I am. Crazy in love.' On a trip to California, he went to a barber shop. He told the barber how he had been searching for a girl for ten years. The barber went to his phone and called his daughter in. It was her! She had also been searching for him and never dated either.”

According to the story, the unnamed man proposed right then and there was married to his wife for 55 years before she died 2009.

Madina Bashizaduah from San Francisco posted a similar image on Twitter on Oct. 22 of the same man—just with a different shirt and new picture. She said he always leaves home with a picture of his sweetheart and recounted the same story of a fateful love for the ages. 

Soulrose said the man had a few nuggets of wisdom, saying:  "I was a very rich man. Not with money, but with love" and "Tell your wife that you love her everyday. And be sure to ask her, have I told you that I love you lately?"