News On The Website is Fake

Wednesday, August 27, 2014 - 04:34 PM

The National Report/ is not real news. Don't link to it. Don't share it. It's fake.

The next time you see someone passing around an article from The National Report as though it were real, please share this webpage with them. 

This has been a public service announcement.


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Comments [6]


The National Report is a satire site. The disclaimer is at the bottom of the page. Are you going to post similar warnings about _The Onion_?

What a humorless tool you are.

Oct. 17 2014 10:54 AM
Mike McG from NYC

Uh, are you trolling us? I'm not sure if this "PSA" is sarcastic or real. It's like announcing that The Onion is fake. Poe's Law strikes again.

I guess I'll bite. National Report is Internet-era satire. It's the Colbert Report to the Onion's Daily Show. It severely mocks the absurdity, ignorance and fears of mainstream America. In the same dry breath, it trolls uptight liberals and intellectuals. In that regard, it can actually be considered really high-brow artistic commentary.

If FNC actually cites them, then the National Report team must feel really bad about what they've done.

Aug. 31 2014 06:05 PM

Aug. 29 2014 11:53 PM
neil from Lawng Island

For a real public service,it would provide credibility if you would describe what your issues are with the website. I've been reading about, for instance, malware for 15 years. But I've never heard warnings about a website for being fake. Is there a service, like, where we can check on the possible fakeness of a suspected website? What was your yardstick for making your determination?

For reference sake, I respect your opinion and I'm sure you're right about that website. I'd just like to see some backing-up facts.


Aug. 27 2014 10:06 PM
Santiago from Minnesota

Did you know that everything on is also fake and lies? This has been another useless post by Santiago, from the internet

Aug. 27 2014 05:51 PM
kim daniels

Isn't it pretty obviously a fake? other than fox news - who is citing them? or is this a fake warning?

Aug. 27 2014 05:08 PM

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