NPR to open Seoul bureau

NPR | Fishbowl NY

National Public Radio Wednesday revealed plans to open a bureau in Seoul, South Korea, naming culture and technology reporter Elise Hu its Asia correspondent there.

In addition to being at the heart of technological and economic force, the bureau is strategically placed near multiple countries of interest to NPR, including Japan and China, Hu said. From there, she’ll be able to coordinate with NPR bureaus in other cities, including New Delhi, Islamabad and Beijing.

The opportunity to report overseas is a huge privilege, she said. Her family — including her husband, Wall Street Journal data journalist Matt Stiles — will make the move with her.

“I obviously had to talk it over with my family,” Hu said. “This is indeed a cross-planet move, but my husband is on board. He’s an incredibly talented journalist in his own right, so I’m confident that something will work out for him.”

The bureau, which will open in 2015, will consist of Hu and a translator-assistant, who she’ll hire.

Hu came to NPR in 2011 to help develop StateImpact network, a government reporting project, according to the announcement. Before that, she was a founding reporter at The Texas Tribune, a journalism non-profit based in Austin, Texas.

Hu wrote about the move on her blog:

I don’t know what to do with our house yet. I am panicked about getting to see the final episodes of Mad Men without too much time delay. I worry about my 16-year-old dog surviving a cross-planet move. I am unsure of my own abilities to cover a place where I am illiterate.

But I’m also filled with excitement and wonder and gratitude for the chance to do this. I know how rare a privilege it is these days to get a chance to work overseas, supported by a large, well-funded news organization. As my friend and mentor Kinsey said, it’s invaluable experience that will change and shape our lives.

She also tweeted about it:

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At The Guardian, the homepage is far from dead

You’ve probably heard rumors of “the death of the homepage,” but The Guardian isn’t having it.

During a demo of the newly redesigned U.S. website in New York this week, Wolfgang Blau, The Guardian’s director of digital strategy, said the homepage was The Guardian’s “single strongest lever to direct attention.” He and other digital leaders at The Guardian surprised me by focusing so much on the homepage when talking about the new site, which went live today.

The homepage consists of new responsive “containers” of content. Anyone who has edited a newspaper site’s homepage with a CMS constraining presentation to one or two above-the-fold templates will be jealous of The Guardian’s seemingly infinite array of options for arranging content in a four-column grid. Stories can go as wide as necessary — with an image or without! — and can include various combinations of headlines, kickers, and byline photos.

The result: a modular design that translates well to mobile but doesn’t resort to the sameness plaguing other news site redesigns.

(Erin Kissane takes a closer look at the backend at Source.)

The previous Guardian homepage, top, and the new one, bottom.

The previous Guardian homepage, top, and the new one, bottom.

More choices for how content is presented throughout the day offers more opportunities to exercise editorial judgment, and that’s where The Guardian thinks it has a competitive advantage. “People go to edited sources because they trust to be told what really is important,” said Alex Breuer, The Guardian’s creative director. Throughout the day, some stories get louder and others get quieter; now, the homepage reflects those nuances, Breuer said.

“We want to be world’s most influential news organization,” Blau said. That means continuing to grow in the U.S. (it topped The New York Times in unique visitors in September). American readers don’t know and trust the brand thanks to a print newspaper like UK readers do, said Cecilia Dobbs, VP of product for the U.S., so a redesign of its online presence is even more important in the U.S. (The beta site was rolled out to 5 percent of U.S. users earlier this year, allowing The Guardian to gather feedback, and the new design will go live for other Guardian sites soon.)

When the Guardian looked at its competitors, Blau said, it saw homepages that generally become repetitive farther down the page. The various ways homepage editors can arrange stories now — along with a new color scheme — gives readers visual cues that are especially useful given The Guardian’s mix of quick-hit news updates and in-depth features across many different subject areas, Dobbs said.

Globally, 31 percent of sessions at The Guardian’s sites include a trip to the homepage, and direct visitors to news sites are generally much more loyal, according to Pew. Still, the fact that 59 percent of visits to the site originated on article pages in September makes the homepage emphasis a fascinating choice. Will new U.S. readers — likely acquired through social media — decide to explore the homepage? It’ll be interesting to see if The Guardian does more to direct these visitors to the homepage to get a comprehensive view of what else the site has to offer.

Despite the way newspaper sites are often derided for looking too much like newspapers, I noticed that elements of the site’s design felt newspaper-like. Blau said the careful crafting that goes into a well-designed newspaper or magazine is often missing online. The Guardian’s new grid — guides that provide a rhythm and structure without sacrificing flexibility — make The Guardian’s new site more of a pleasure to browse.

Article pages revamped too

Of course, The Guardian recognizes that more and more readers are entering the site through article pages (and about half are arriving via mobile, where social media is even more important), so articles pages are better now, too, with more prominent social sharing buttons. Stories are wider and contain more white space. Article pages — not unlike the ones debuted by The New York Times this year — feel less cluttered.

The typography is now consistent across all Guardian platforms, including print. On the Web, it’s bigger, too, with more line spacing, and that’s one very obvious change that rankles long-time readers. But to those who say the text is too big, The Guardian can ask, “well, do you like Medium?”

The Guardian didn’t adopt continuous scroll on article pages like many other recent news sites have, but those containers from the homepage can be placed beneath articles, too, to lead visitors elsewhere. In the future, The Guardian hopes to better customize these “journeys” through the site based on referral sources and other reader behavior.

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Mitra Kalita is Quartz’ executive editor-at-large

Quartz Editor-in-Chief Kevin Delaney announced Wednesday that ideas editor Mitra Kalita will become executive editor-at-large for Quartz, charged with “spearheading projects” that “build up our readership and journalism globally.”

In a memo to Quartz staff (below), Delaney noted Kalita — who was recently named an adjunct faculty member at Poynter — played a “central role” in the creation of the business vertical’s Ideas section and the launch of Quartz India.

In an interview with World News Publishing Focus, Kalita said Quartz is considering expanding to cover other subjects:

We are looking at other markets and other niches but a part of our ethos is driven by this idea that you and I have a lot in common, and might be harried by some of the same factors of life and work. Does that story need to come from a place of geography? Probably not. In some cases geography will be where we expand but in others it’s going to be by obsession or theme areas.

Kalita will be replaced by Paul Smalera, editor of The New York Times opinion app, which is slated to be discontinued at the end of the month. Smalera was also the founding editor of the Times’ Op-Talk site, according to a memo from Delaney announcing his hire (also below).

Hello Quartz -

I’m happy to announce the appointment of Mitra Kalita as Quartz’s executive editor at large, with special responsibility for global expansion and Ideas.

This move reflects Mitra’s central role from Quartz’s beginning through the present, including building up Ideas and launching Quartz India. As many of you know, her contributions extend far beyond that to touch pretty much all aspects of Quartz, including identifying and bringing on many of our talented colleagues.

Since the beginning, Mitra has focused on the people and “the story.” She’s helped us deliver on being a news organization that truly covers the world, while tackling some of the most intimate and challenging issues in our lives and workplaces. Mitra’s wide range of interests is partly what makes her so effective—she knows international news for us to pursue ambitiously when she sees it, such as Modi’s appearance in NYC, and hot button issues that hit home on Facebook, such as the ubiquity of one company’s baby blankets. It goes without saying that Mitra specializes in keeping all of us on our toes.

In her new role, she will spearhead projects that stretch Quartz further and build up our readership and journalism globally. These include new initiatives focused outside of the US. She’ll also continue to work with the Ideas team as we build on its success.

Mitra will continue to work part-time for Quartz and report her (fourth) book through the end of this school year, and return full-time after that.

Please join me in congratulating her.


Hello Quartz –

I’m happy to announce that Paul Smalera will join us as Quartz’s Ideas editor as of November 5.

Paul comes from the New York Times, where he was the founding editor of its Op-Talk site and led the editorial team for the NYT Opinion iPhone app.

Paul is an entrepreneurial, tech-savvy journalist with hands-on experience editing the sort of global commentary that is the core fare of Quartz’s Ideas section. One former colleague describes him as “the real deal” and “very astute about reader platforms and social media, very curious about the world, very savvy as to what readers want.” Since before the launch of Quartz, I’ve hoped for an opening to bring him on to join us.

Paul earlier worked at Reuters, where he was technology editor, product manager for a new content management system, and deputy opinion editor. He also was a senior editor for technology coverage at Fortune and spent seven years as a professional web developer.

Paul’s mandate is to be bold and creative in approaching Ideas, experimenting with the form, approach, and outside contributors we work with. His efforts will build on the work that Mitra, Lauren, and Annalisa have done to make Ideas pieces among the most lively, impactful, and well-read content that we publish.

Please join me in welcoming Paul.


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What is going on at First Look Media?

mediawiremorningGood morning. Here are nine media stories.

  1. What’s going on at First Look Media?

    Matt Taibbi has left the company, Pierre Omidyar announced Wednesday. "Our differences were never about editorial independence," Omidyar writes. (First Look Media) | Andrew Rice reported earlier in the day that Taibbi "has been absent from the office for several weeks." "I don’t comment about internal matters," First Look executive John Temple told Rice. (New York) | "First Look exec on its radical culture of transparency: "I don’t comment...we’re a private company, so why would we?" (@tomgara) | "what has happened is bad and dumb and needless and not matt taibbi’s fault" (@johnjcook) | Omidyar gadfly Paul Carr published his half of an off-the-record conversation with Taibbi. (Pando) | "Off the record does not mean you can publish your half of a conversation with a source." (@mtaibbi) | Michael Calderone, this time last year: "What exactly they’re building is unclear -– even to those directly involved." (HuffPost)

  2. Denise Warren leaves NYT Co.

    "A memo written by Arthur Sulzberger Jr., chairman of the Times Company, and Mark Thompson, the company’s chief executive, said that they had decided to split Ms. Warren’s position into two jobs: an executive vice president for marketing and an executive vice president for digital. Ms. Warren declined to take either job and decided to leave the company, according to the memo." (NYT) | "After Robinson was ousted in 2011, Warren was the No. 2 candidate for the C.E.O. slot that ended up going to Thompson, a former BBC bigwig, two sources with knowledge of the matter told Capital." (Capital)

  3. Ben Bradlee's funeral will be on TV

    C-SPAN will broadcast the event today at 11 a.m. | An appreciation by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein. (WP) | Howard Simons, Bradlee's managing editor, is a "forgotten man, without whom Bradlee might never have been seen as so great." (Politico Magazine)

  4. Sun-Times owner launches national network of aggregated sites

    Wrapports LLC has launched these things, whatever the heck they are, in 70 cities, including New York, D.C. and L.A. (Crain's Chicago Business) | Ken Doctor: "The odds of major success seem long." (Nieman Lab)

  5. Verizon is launching a tech news site

    Just one problem with working at "Other reporters, who asked not to be named, have confirmed that they have received the same recruiting pitch with the same rules: No articles about surveillance or net neutrality." (The Daily Dot)

  6. Sharyl Attkisson's loose wire

    The former CBS reporter discovered a "stray cable dangling from the FiOS box attached to the brick wall on the outside of my house," she writes in her new book, “Stonewalled: My Fight for Truth Against the Forces of Obstruction, Intimidation, and Harassment in Obama’s Washington." A technician removed the wire, which later vanished. (WP)

  7. Captured and tortured in Syria

    The journalist Theo Padnos recounts his nearly two years of capitivity. (NYT Magazine)

  8. Front page of the day, curated by Kristen Hare

    The Daily Press of Newport News, Virginia, leads with a spectacular photo of yesterday's rocket explosion at Wallops Island. (Courtesy the Newseum)


  9. Job moves, edited by Benjamin Mullin

    Leigh Weingus is now trends editor at The Huffington Post. Previously, she was TV editor there. Carolyn Gregoire is now a senior writer for health and science at The Huffington Post. Previously, she was an editor at Healthy Living and Third Metric there. Lilly Workneh is now Black Voices editor at The Huffington Post. Previously, she was lifestyle editor at (Email) | Rich Ross is president of the Discovery Channel. Previously, he was chief executive of Shine America (The New York Times) | Monique Chenault is now executive producer of "The Insider." Previously, she was a senior producer at "Access Hollywood." (Mediabistro) | Job of the day: BuzzFeed is looking for a news fellow. Get your résumés in! (BuzzFeed) | Send Ben your job moves:

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The Hartford Courant is 250 years old today

Subscribers of The Hartford Courant will find their copies of Wednesday’s newspaper looks old. Really, really old. For the official anniversary of the 250-year-old newspaper, the Courant’s Wednesday edition comes wrapped in a copy of the original.


October 29th is the official anniversary of the 1764 printing of the once-weekly Connecticut Courant, but the newspaper started celebrations in January and will continue them throughout the year. Those celebrations include monthly themes and a reproduction of the original paper, but also a big digital push to share the Courant’s past and include readers in the conversation about what the Courant was, is and is becoming.

“I feel it’s almost an opportunity to reengage and relaunch everything we’ve done digitally,” said Nancy Meyer, the Courant’s publisher and CEO, in a phone interview. “It’s a celebration, certainly, of the history, but at the same point, where are we going? People have begun to understand the evolution of where we were.”


Courant 250 is a marriage between old stories and new technology, Andrew Julien, editor of the Courant, said in a phone interview. Some of that means sharing photos, stories and pages from the archives, and some of it means gathering old stories online.

“When we began rolling out our 250th content in January, we started hearing from people in the community about how they used to be Courant carriers and what that meant to them,” said Christine Taylor, digital platform manager, in an email. “We realized the opportunity to engage with our audience and have them participate in the telling of our history. We used Facebook to solicit stories from our readers, and the response was tremendous.”

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“Between Facebook, email and phone calls,” Taylor said, “we heard from close to 200 former Courant Carriers.”

This story is from Richard Templeton:

When the Japanese surrendered it was called V-J Day and the Courant put out an extra edition to celebrate the day. My district manager called me to see if I would be willing to deliver the extra on Main Street in Middletown. I was only 11 years old, so I had to ask my mother for approval. She said OK, so I went to the Courant office to get the Extra paper. It was a wild scene on Main Street. People were singing and dancing in the street. I don’t remember how much the Courant was charging for the Extra — maybe a few cents or a nickel. But people were giving me a lot of quarters, halves and dollar bills. I was going up the street shouting “Extra, Extra, read all about it. Japan surrenders. The war is over. Get your Extra here.” It was late when I got home. My mother was not too happy with me. But when I put all the money on the table that I got for selling the Extra she kinda settled down.

‘Biased media’

The Courant, and really all American newspapers, have changed a lot recently, but the Courant changed dramatically since it began, too.

“When you look at the first century of the Courant’s history, the newspaper is very political,” Julien said. It made an enemy of Thomas Jefferson and later aligned with xenophobic groups opposing immigration. But by the late 1850s, the newspaper “became a strong voice for abolition and against slavery,” he said. “You really see the political tide of the nation ebbing and flowing in the Courant.”

News and opinions began dividing into their own sections, he said, and news became more obviously straightforward.

“When people accuse us of being biased media, you should look at the paper from 1832,” Julien said.

To celebrate the paper’s 250th anniversary, people from around the Courant have contributed and the newspaper partnered with local institutions, including the Connecticut Historical Society. Monthly themes have included weather, the arts, crime and sports.

A documentary about the newspaper’s photojournalists, produced with Connecticut Public Broadcasting, airs next month.

The Courant has also tried to reach people through public forums tied to the monthly themes, including conversations on race and inequality and recovery.


In September, the Courant launched on a new, fully-responsive platform.

Since then, “our Facebook referral traffic has increased 119 percent to our baseline. We think a lot of this comes from the addition of sharelines in our template, and our increasing understanding of what content is resonating with our audience on social platforms,” Taylor said.

The paper is thinking about what matters to readers, and as part of their big anniversary content, the Courant also looked to the future. Marie Shanahan, a former staffer and now an assistant journalism professor at the University of Connecticut, wrote about the new ways people are getting and gathering news.

Fears aside, journalism is headed into an exciting and complicated age when part of the job will be finding the right balance between innovation, ethics and economics.

Throughout the year, the Courant has tried to use its 250th as a way to reach new people through social media and in person, and to share the history the paper has been around to tell.

“It really has allowed us to remind ourselves and our readers that for 250 years, we’ve been the storytellers of Connecticut,” Julien said. “The platform is changing, but our role isn’t changing.” Read more

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P-Internet Begins

Today in Media History: The Internet began with a crash on October 29, 1969

The beginning of the Internet is the story of two large computers, miles apart, sending the message: “LO.” The world has never been the same.

In the late 1960s an experimental network of four computers called ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) was commissioned by the U.S. government. The computers were located at Stanford, UCLA, UC Santa Barbara, and the University of Utah. ARPANET evolved into the network of computer networks we know as the Internet.

On October 29, 1969, the first message was sent between two ARPANET computers. They tried to type in “LOGIN,” but the computers crashed after the first two letters.

UCLA’s Leonard Kleinrock, who was part of the team that first connected the ARPANET computers, is interviewed in this KTLA-TV story. (Here is a link to another story about the first ARPANET connection.)

“The breakthrough accomplished that night in 1969 was a decidedly down-to-earth one. The Arpanet was not, in itself, intended as some kind of secret weapon to put the Soviets in their place: it was simply a way to enable researchers to access computers remotely, because computers were still vast and expensive, and the scientists needed a way to share resources.

….One of the most intriguing things about the growth of the internet is this: to a select group of technological thinkers, the surprise wasn’t how quickly it spread across the world, remaking business, culture and politics — but that it took so long to get off the ground. Even when computers were mainly run on punch-cards and paper tape, there were whispers that it was inevitable that they would one day work collectively, in a network, rather than individually.”

— “Forty years of the internet: how the world changed for ever.”, October 23, 2009
(This article is part of a special section called, “The internet at 40

On January 1, 1983, Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP) were accepted as the standard protocols for the ARPANET and other computer networks. For some, the acceptance of TCP/IP as a common network communication language is considered the beginning of the Internet. Vint Cert talks about the history of TCP/IP:

“’The 1969 connection was not just a symbolic milestone in the project that led to the Internet, but in the whole idea of connecting computers — and eventually billions of people — to each other,’ said Marc Weber, founding curator of the Museum’s Internet History Program. ‘In the 1960s, as many as a few hundred users could have accounts on a single large computer using terminals, and exchange messages and files between them. But each of those little communities was an island, isolated from others. By reliably connecting different kinds of computers to each other, the ARPANET took a crucial step toward the online world that links nearly a third of the world’s population today.’”

— “The Computer History Museum, SRI International, and BBN Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of First ARPANET Transmission”
Computer History Museum, October 27, 2009

There are many fathers and mothers of the Internet and several have been honored in the Internet Hall of Fame.

Finally, PandoDaily and Explainer Music have helped put the Internet into perspective with their video, “PandoHouse Rock: A History of The Internet and Computing in 71 Seconds.”

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Tuesday, Oct. 28, 2014

UGA decides to host some African journalists

The University of Georgia, which canceled on a Liberian journalist earlier this month for fear of spreading the Ebola virus, will host 14 journalists from Africa, the university announced Tuesday.

The journalists, who will visit the university as part of a three-week trip that will include a visit to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, are not from countries currently affected by the Ebola virus, according to an announcement from the university. During their visit, they will will discuss “media election coverage and the role of social media in the U.S. society.”

During the program, the journalists will attend a social media discussion and tour Grady Newsource — a student newsroom — while the staff covers Election Day, according the announcement. They will also take part in a conversation on social media hosted by several of the university’s professors.

RELATED: Hysteria or proper precaution — a conversation with Michel du Cille

The journalists are visiting as part of the Edward R. Murrow Program for Journalists, a U.S. State Department-sponsored program separate from the one it abruptly rearranged earlier this month due to Ebola panic. In that instance, UGA canceled on FrontPageAfrica Editor Wade C. L. Williams, who was scheduled to give the university’s McGill lecture.

RELATED: Why it’s so disappointing that j-schools are panicking over Ebola

In addition to Georgia, two other universities bailed on journalists who spent time in Africa since the Ebola epidemic began. Syracuse University rescinded an invitation to Washington Post photojournalist Michel du Cille, who was slated to participate in a journalism workshop there. And the University of South Florida at St. Petersburg canceled on a group of Murrow fellows from Africa, which the Poynter Institute later agreed to host.

Here’s the announcement from the university:

Athens, Ga. – For the sixth consecutive year, the University of Georgia James M. Cox Jr. Center for International Mass Communication Training and Research has been selected to host traveling journalists through the Edward R. Murrow Program for Journalists. The visit, sponsored by the Department of State’s International Visitor Leadership Program, will take place Oct. 30-Nov. 5.

Fourteen journalists from French-speaking countries including Burundi, Chad, Comoros, Mali, Mauritania and Togo will come to the Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication to discuss media election coverage and the role of social media in the U.S. society. None of the visiting journalists hail from countries currently affected by the Ebola outbreak.

“Across the years of this program, University of Georgia students have learned a lot about the media and political systems in a variety of countries,” said Tudor Vlad, associate director of the Cox International Center. Fellows in the past have come from Russian-speaking countries, Chinese-speaking countries, and the Middle East and North Africa. This is the second time the Murrow Program Fellows visiting UGA are from French-speaking Africa.

“We welcome the delegation from French-speaking Africa and are honored to be selected as one of only seven programs to host journalists as part of the prestigious Murrow Program,” said Lee B. Becker, director of the Cox International Center.

The Murrow Program sponsors more than 80 journalists from around the world to participate in the three-week visit. The program is designed as an exchange of best practices, an overview of free press in a democracy and the opportunity for the Murrow Fellows to gain insight into the social economic and political structures of the U.S.

While they are on UGA’s campus Nov. 3-4, the Murrow Fellows will meet with Grady College Dean Charles Davis and participate in discussions about social media led by Karen Russell, Jim Kennedy New Media Professor and associate professor of public relations, and Itai Himelboim, associate professor of telecommunications. They will observe the college’s digital and broadcast journalism majors in the newsroom of Grady Newsource as the students cover Election Day—a session coordinated by David Hazinkski, Jim Kennedy New Media Professor and associate professor of telecommunications, and lecturer Dodie Cantrell-Bickley. The visiting journalists will also discuss U.S. elections with Charles Bullock, Richard B. Russell Chair in Political Science at UGA’s School of Public and International Affairs, and attend a session at UGA’s African Studies Institute.

“This is a unique opportunity for our students, for our faculty, for faculty elsewhere in the university, and for media professionals in the state to get to talk to such a diverse group of visitors about the challenges of journalism in the countries represented,” Becker said. “The Department of State calls the Murrow Program its most important international journalism program, and we agree that it is a tremendous value to all involved.”

The traveling journalists will be visiting the U.S. for three weeks. For the first week, the group will be in Washington, D.C. On Oct. 30, the Murrow Fellows visiting Grady College will arrive in Atlanta and spend the next day meeting with editors from The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and CNN. After visiting Atlanta and Athens, they will travel to New Mexico and ultimately conclude their trip in New York on Nov. 14.

For a complete list of host schools and more information about the Murrow Fellows Program, see

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Students stole 700 papers for a prank, not because they hated content

Student Press Law Center

Earlier this month, 710 copies of Pepperdine Graphic were found in a dorm room at Pepperdine University, Anna Schiffbauer reported Monday for the Student Press Law Center. Schiffbauer reported that three students admitted to stealing the papers, and they were planning to “wad them up and fill a friend’s dorm room as a prank.”

The first theft of the papers was reported in September and thought to be because of what was on the front page.

At the time, the staff and adviser believed the thefts could be an attempt to censor a front-page article about an alcohol-related car accident involving a Pepperdine student.

“When you take free newspapers with the intention of just wadding them for a prank, it’s really inconsiderate of the hard work that goes into it,” (Adviser Elizabeth) Smith said. “I don’t want them to just see us as physical paper on a stand.”

The students haven’t been named, Schiffbauer reported.

In April, I wrote about a fraternity in Michigan that did trash the paper because of the content. Then they tweeted about it.

Photo illustration from Deposit Photos.

Photo illustration from Deposit Photos.

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Why NYT avoids quoting climate-change skeptics

The New York Times

In a Times Insider interview, Adam Bryant, The New York Times’ new environment editor, answers the question “To what extent should we feel obligated to include the views of climate change skeptics?”

“Claims that the entire field of climate science is some kind of giant hoax do not hold water, and we have made a conscious decision that we are not going to take that point of view seriously,” Bryant replies. He continues:

At the same time, there is a huge amount of legitimate debate and uncertainty within mainstream science. Scientists are pretty open about not being sure how bad things will get, or how quickly. These are the valid scientific issues and uncertainties that we want to cover.

Bryant also says a recent Justin Gillis story “provides a good example of providing informed second opinions on a topic.”

In his piece, Justin quoted an expert who has often been skeptical of claimed links between weather events and global warming in the past. But in this new study we were reporting on, he said the evidence was strong. That insight is more useful to readers than quoting someone who believes the entire field of study is built on a pillar of sand.

In 2013, the Times merged its environment pod with its science desk and shuttered its Green blog. Times Public Editor Margaret Sullivan wrote last November that she found the Times had subsequently covered climate issues less, but she recently called the Times’ new enviro team “very good news.” Read more


Journalists, don’t drink 140 cups of coffee in one day or you’ll die

Wall Street Journal

On Monday, Heidi Mitchell wrote “How Much Caffeine Is Too Much?” for the Wall Street Journal.

Mitchell got a pretty simple answer — 140 cups of coffee.

It is possible for a person to die from too much caffeine, “but that would mean about 14,000 milligrams, or around 140 8-ounce cups of coffee in one day,” Dr. (Matthew) Johnson says. Consuming that much would be difficult because of coffee’s self-limiting nature. “One cup makes you feel good and alert, but five cups may make you feel like your stomach is cramping,” he says. “You feel wired and you wouldn’t typically be able to go overboard.”


I know a lot of you all drink/love coffee. On Sept. 29, we celebrated National Coffee Day with a series of mug shots (I’m sorry.)

On Sept. 12, I wrote “Journalists drink more coffee than cops,” based on a study from the United Kingdom. On a sad note, on Oct. 2, Michael Barajas wrote for HoustonPress that staff at the Houston Chronicle no longer get free coffee. This summer, I also wrote about an odd PR stunt in France that put pop-up Nescafe coffee cups inside a newspaper and then encouraged readers to put that paper down and share a cup of coffee because reading a newspaper is such a lonely activity.

Nescafe clearly knows nothing of coffee or people who read newspapers. But Mitchell does. And “How Much Caffeine Too Much?” makes me feel like that third or fourth cup by 3 p.m. is not such a bad thing. Also, Mitchell reports, “caffeine intoxication” is a real thing. Read more

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Sun-Times owner says it’s imitating BuzzFeed, Deadspin with national network of news sites

Chicago Sun-Times | Robert Feder

Are you ready for The Chicago paper’s owner, Wrapports LLC, announced a “mobile-first app network” Tuesday with local editions rolling out in 70 U.S. cities and, eventually, international editions.

How looks on my phone.

How looks on my phone.

The sites will offer aggregated content from local news sources as well as from some Sun-Times writers (the Chicago edition includes links to content from the rival Chicago Tribune). It’s part of an effort to “offer content in a manner similar to websites such as Deadspin and Buzzfeed,” Wrapports’ release says.

The sites are in beta and will officially launch on Friday. The Sun-Times Network takes the place of Aggrego, the local-content initiative Wrapports launched last year, Sun-Times spokesperson Dennis Culloton tells Poynter. Tim Landon, who cofounded Classified Ventures and led Aggrego, will run the Sun-Times Network.

Wrapports chair Michael Ferro will be board chair. The launch coincides with plans “for the company to sell all of its suburban publications — including six dailies and 32 Pioneer Press weeklies — to Tribune Publishing, parent company of the Chicago Tribune,” Robert Feder writes. “That will leave the much smaller Wrapports with only the daily Sun-Times and the free weekly [Chicago] Reader.” Read more

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Washington Post announces award named for legendary editor

The Washington Post

The Washington Post announced Tuesday the creation of the “Ben Bradlee Award for Courage in Journalism,” honoring the “courageous pursuit of truth by an individual or team of Washington Post journalists,” according to an announcement from Post editor Marty Baron and publisher Fred Ryan.

The award, named for the Post editor who oversaw the expansion of the newsroom and the coverage of the paper’s famous Watergate reporting, will first be awarded in 2015, according to the announcement. It will include a cash prize.

Bradlee died last week at 93. Read more


USA Today, WSJ, NYT top U.S. newspapers by circulation

Alliance for Audited Media

The Alliance for Audited Media issued its last-ever six-month circulation report today. Here are the top newspapers in the U.S., by total average circulation in September 2014:

  1. USA Today (4,139,380)
  2. The Wall Street Journal (2,276,207)
  3. The New York Times (2,134,150)

AAM is discontinuing the print report in favor of more detailed, more frequent reports on individual titles. This edition doesn’t include comparisons to previous totals, which is kind, in a way, as rule changes have made comparisons to past performance, or other publications, increasingly difficult.

A peek behind those great numbers shows why. Let’s start with USA Today, whose Monday-Friday total average circulation rocketed 43 percent, from 2,876,586 to 4,139,380. Its average Monday-Friday print circulation dropped 17 percent over September 2013, from 1,316,865 to 1,083,200. But USA Today has used AAM rule changes to post astonishing circulation increases since this time last year: a 67 percent rise in September 2013, a 94 percent rise in March of this year. It counts digital editions and the “butterfly” editions that run in other Gannett-owned newspapers, for instance, which is part of the reason it now avers a Sunday circulation of 3,686,797 even though it doesn’t run a traditional edition that day.

The Journal actually saw a tiny increase in average Monday-Friday print circulation over September 2013 — a rise of 3,680 copies, or .27 percent. Its total average Monday-Friday circulation centimetered up to 2,276,207 from 2,273,767.

And the Times’ average Sunday print circulation fell 3.5 percent, to 1,181,160 from 1,224,069 in September 2013. Its average Monday-Friday print circulation fell 5.4 percent over the same period, to 639,887 from 676,633.

AAM cautions against making comparisons to past numbers while describing its rule changes this year. It previously allowed newspapers to count branded editions (which could be a lawn-delivered total market coverage product, or a Spanish-language edition, or in the case of The New York Times, the International New York Times) and digital nonreplica editions, which can include apps.

Just for the heck of it, here are a few more newspaper numbers:

The Washington Post’s average Sunday print circulation fell 5.7 percent, to 568,365 from 602,830 in September 2013. Its average Monday-Friday print circulation fell nearly 7 percent, to 377,466 from 405,035 over the same period. Its total average circulation on Sundays fell 3 percent, to 776,806 from 800,643.

The Los Angeles Times’ average Sunday print circulation fell 6.5 percent, to 685,473 from 733,101 in September 2013. Its average Monday-Friday print circulation fell nearly 7 percent over the same period, to 370,990 from 398,202. Its total average circulation on Sundays was very slightly up, to 965,598 from 963,751.

The Orange County Register, which has pursued a print-first strategy, saw its average Sunday print circulation rise 24 percent, 333,661 from 267,121 in September 2013. Read more


Reporter declines to reapply for her job, gets laid off

Good morning. Here are 10 media stories.

  1. Reporter declines to reapply for her job, gets laid off Burlington Free Press reporter Lynn Monty decided not to consummate the process of reapplying for her job last week. The Free Press, like many other Gannett papers, has asked staffers to reapply for jobs in reimagined “newsrooms of the future.” “I loved my job, but I don’t love Gannett,” Monty tells Paul Heintz. “I will make a new way for myself that doesn’t compromise my integrity.” (Seven Days)
  2. The last circulation report The Alliance for Audited Media will release its final print Snapshot report today. Because of more rule changes, “we advise against comparing year-over-year data,” AAM cautions. (AAM) | I wrote last October about how some other recent rules made comparisons difficult. (Poynter)
  3. Two attempts to explain why your friend Gordon is blue over the Jian Ghomeshi mess Canadians have an ” intrinsic and profound” relationship with the CBC, and the scandal further diminishes the institution, Adam Sternbergh writes. (Vulture) | “[T]here was once a hope that people in powerful positions were trying their best to do well by the country,” Michelle Dean writes. “That is gone, and people are, I think, sad to see that they now must extend the cynicism and bad feelings to cultural figures as well.” (Gawker)
  4. John Cantlie “reports” for Islamic State The captured British journalist appears in a package purporting to be from Kobani. (The Telegraph)
  5. The dream of an iTunes for news will never die The New York Times Co. and Axel Springer led a funding round for Blendle, a Dutch startup that sells a la carte access to articles. (Gigaom) | Blendle cofounder Alexander Klöpping “says he’s in talks with U.S. publishers (he declined to name any), which tend to have few foreign subscribers and sell ads at junk rates in countries where they don’t have a sales force.” (Bloomberg Businessweek)
  6. Reporting under duress The International Women’s Media Foundation gave Solange Lusiku Nsimire, editor-in-chief of Congo’s Le Souverain, a Courage in Journalism award last week. “I want to find shelter for my children, who are very much at risk,” she tells Eleanor Klibanoff. “But as long as democracy is not established and human rights are not respected, I feel that I need to continue reporting.” (NPR) | Related: New CPJ report shows journalists are still being killed with impunity in most parts of the world. (Poynter) | Also related: At a White House Correspondents’ Association seminar Saturday, Susan Page called the Obama administration “‘more dangerous’ to the press than any other in history.” (WP) | Also related: An Israeli border policeman shot AP photographer Majdi Mohammed with rubber bullets. (AP)
  7. FBI made a fake newspaper article “The FBI in Seattle created a fake news story on a bogus Seattle Times Web page to plant software in the computer of a suspect in a series of bomb threats to Lacey’s Timberline High School in 2007.” (Seattle Times)
  8. Papa’s peepin’ peeps The annual Spy Prom in D.C. honored Ernest Hemingway. (HuffPost) | Related: Hemingway got a Nobel on this day in 1954. (Poynter)
  9. Front page of the day, curated by Kristen Hare The New York Daily News uses wordplay to challenge Obama’s Ebola czar.


  10. Job moves, edited by Benjamin Mullin: Sarah Lumbard is now senior digital curator at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s National Institute of Holocaust Education. Previously, she was vice president of content strategy and operations at NPR. (Poynter) | Fred Santarpia will be executive vice president and chief digital officer at Condé Nast. Previously, he was executive vice president at Condé Nast Entertainment. (Poynter) | Hassan Hamdani is editor-in-chief at HuffPost Morocco. Previously, he was editor-in-chief of TelQuel’s multimedia division. (HuffPost) | Bernardo Chévez is now vice president of technology at Hearst Magazines International. Previously, he was director of engineering at Condé Nast. (Fishbowl NY) | Job of the day: The Washington Post is looking for an editorial copy editor. Get your résumés in! (Journalism Jobs) | Send Ben your job moves:

Suggestions? Criticisms? Would like me to send you this roundup each morning? Please email me: Read more


Poynter offers free training from Google

News University

The Poynter Institute Tuesday is offering a day of training on tools from Google, taught by the company’s own experts.

The training, which will be offered for free courtesy the Google for Media team, consists of six 60-minute presentations on tools including search, mapping, data and Hangouts. The sessions are designed for journalists from varied backgrounds, including video and photojournalists, writers, bloggers and producers.

Here’s the schedule:

  • 9 a.m. Google research tools (search, trends, correlate and Public Data Explorer)
  • 10:15 a.m. General mapping overview (Google Maps Engine, Maps API, Google Fusion Tables)
  • 11:15 a.m. Customs maps training (More with Google Maps Engine and Fusion Tables)
  • 1:15 p.m. Learn how to use Google Earth to supplement stories on newscasts or websites
  • 2:15 p.m. Discover how to use Google+ and Hangouts on Air to interact with audiences and create live video broadcasts
  • 3:30 p.m. Learn about best practices for using YouTube

If you’re interested, you can sign up here. Read more
