Riding the Rumor

Friday, October 03, 2014


Craig Silverman, a longtime chronicler of media misinformation, has created a real-time rumor tracker called Emergent.info. Brooke talks with Craig about the life cycle of rumors and how news outlets handle debunking them. 


Craig Silverman

Hosted by:

Brooke Gladstone

Comments [6]

Francisco from Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

Sorry that should read "may not play outside UK". I think it does but not all of Radio 4's stuff will.

Oct. 08 2014 02:38 AM
Francisco from Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

You may be interested in this bit of psychological research. It looked into why people find it hard to accept corrections to information:

(audio, listen from about 13:20, may play outside UK)
Please note the bookmark for the item "Misinformation" is in the wrong place. It's set to 9 mins something so you'll still have a few minutes of the previous item if you it.

Oct. 08 2014 02:33 AM
daire from Berlin

Nice to see two others spotted the error Muslim Obama McCain Correction error. Nice work Messrs Ed and Steitz. The AP provides footage of the incident here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrnRU3ocIH4. I hope On the Media issues a correction posthaste.

Oct. 07 2014 02:57 PM
David Meyer

On your story about the false rumor of the woman who elected to have a third breast placed on her body in the hopes of landing a reality TV show, your guest said "You could imagine different viewpoints being grafted onto this fake story…" Grafted? Pun intended?

Oct. 05 2014 02:06 AM
Ed from NYC

Not to put too fine an edge on this, but the REAL exchange was not the woman saying Obama is a Muslim, she said that he's an Arab

Oct. 04 2014 07:44 AM
Jim Steitz from Gatlinburg, TN

Mr. Silverman stated that, in the 2008 campaign, McCain's response to the crazy woman saying Obama was a Muslim was to state that Obama was indeed a Christian. Wrong. He said, "No 'Mam, he's a good man." What a perfectly nefarious and clever response - McCain was off the hook from joining the tinfoil-hat crowd, but didn't have to contradict the premise that being a Muslim would be unbecoming a presidential candidate, if it were true.

Oct. 03 2014 09:51 PM

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