Covering an Epidemic

Friday, October 10, 2014


Lenny Bernstein, a health reporter for the Washington Post, recently returned from a 12 day reporting trip to Liberia. Brooke talks with Bernstein about what it was like covering the biggest Ebola outbreak in history. 

song: Song: The Maids of Mitchelstown, The Bothy Band


Lenny Bernstein

Hosted by:

Brooke Gladstone

Comments [3]

Finn Brewer from Utah

Love your show, but The Hot Zone is not fiction, it is a factual account of the first Ebola outbreaks.

Oct. 11 2014 10:14 PM
Thatwood B. Telling from The Village

Thank you for your service, Mr. Bernstein.

Oct. 11 2014 09:15 PM

So for months and months there has been an Africa story that even American editors cannot deny is "a story." Even Donald Trump noticed.

What will it take, then, for the Washington Post to not be "between Africa reporters?"

Newspapers wonder where their readers have gone. This segment, interviewing a real live (if very temporary) foreign correspondent, who is not just embedded with some army somewhere, makes would-be readers wonder the reverse.

Oct. 11 2014 11:52 AM

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