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David Holdeman, professor of English and chair of the UNT Department of English, will become the new interim dean for the College of Arts and Sciences, effective Nov. 1.

Amir Windom

Amir Windom will speak on "Moving from Success to Significance,"

Jamie Nordstrom

Jamie Nordstrom, great-grandson of the founder of Nordstrom, Inc., who began his career with the Seattle-based retailer by working in the stockroom of the Bellevue, Washington, store, will visit UNT Nov. 11 (Tuesday) for the 2014-15 Executive + Scholar Lecture Series.

Aleksandar Hemon

UNT's 2014-15 Institute for the Advancement of the Arts Artist-in-Residence, acclaimed novelist Aleksandar Hemon, visits UNT for a series of public events the first week in November.

Jon Kellis

The life of UNT musician Jon Kellis, who passed away while attending the College of Music, will be celebrated for years to come thanks to a memorial concert and room dedication in his memory.

Complex Logistics Systems Laboratory

A new Complex Logistics Systems Laboratory in the UNT College of Business allows students and faculty members to partner with logistics companies to engage in applied research that could help companies more efficiently manage the distribution of goods and services and cut costs.