Will Texas Even Bother Trying to Comply With EPA’s Clean Power Plan?

New rules proposed by the Obama administration seek to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from power plants

Photo by SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images

New rules proposed by the Obama administration seek to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from power plants

As greenhouse gases reach their highest concentrations in human history, the Obama administration has pledged to take action on climate change, unveiling a Clean Power Plan this summer to go after a prime target of those emissions: coal power plants. And true to form, that plan is running into opposition from lawmakers and regulators in Texas.

At a hearing of the Texas House Committee on Environmental Regulation Monday, both regulators and lawmakers expressed concern in the feasibility of complying with energy regulations proposed in EPA’s plan.

“One of our main concerns is that they don’t reflect the reality of electric markets, which operate at the literal speed of light” said Brian Lloyd, Executive Director of the Public Utility Commission of Texas. “[The plan] requires very long-life, hugely expensive capital expenses.”

Lloyd said the Public Utility Commission would need to collect an additional billion dollars from ratepayers in order to achieve energy efficiency standards proposed by the EPA. Energy efficiency is one of several initiatives, including renewable energy generation and switching from coal to natural gas power generation shifting, that the agency calls for in its plan.

“Climate change, fueled by carbon pollution, supercharges risks to our health, our economy, and our way of life,” Gina McCarty, administrator of the EPA, said when announcing the plan in June. “EPA is delivering on a vital piece of President Obama’s Climate Action Plan by proposing a Clean Power Plan that will cut harmful carbon pollution from our largest source–power plants.”

Instead of calling for nationwide regulations, the EPA divided the states into regions and tailored goals for each. The plan gives states the power to create their own strategies to achieve its proposed goals.

Some officials, like Vincent Meiller, a technical specialist at the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), questioned just how flexible the initiative is. He said the EPA’s goals for the southwest region, specifically Texas, are skewed.

“The EPA took certain state Renewable Portfolio Standards and averaged them,” Meiller aid. “In our region, however, they only chose one … Kansas.”

Officials like Meiller don’t believe Kansas’ energy industry is an accurate reflection of Texas.

“We couldn’t really find a good reason why they excluded ours,” he says. “So there are some inconsistencies in how they’re approaching things.”

Texas has until June of 2015 to draft its own strategy in compliance with the EPA’s plan. Though committee member, state Rep. Jason Villalba (R-Dallas), questioned whether or not Texas need comply at all.

“What if we just said no? There is precedent in Texas for telling the federal government that we are not going to be under the boot of the federal government’s authority,” he said.

In response, a representative from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality ensured Villalba the EPA would enforce federal regulations in Texas.

Other issues that arose during the hearing included which state agencies would regulate and enforce Texas’ plan. The committee continues hearing testimony on the matter Tuesday.

Kyle Ver is a reporting intern with StateImpact Texas. 


  • Julie Keller

    I live 3 miles from a nuclear plant. The emissions are water vapor and carbon dioxide which MAKES PLANTS GROW!!!! Plant trees and you will reduce CO emissions as plants use CO and produce oxygen!!!

  • Harold H Doiron, PhD

    I was disappointed Kyle Ver did not even mention in this article a very important conference on energy and climate policy held in Houston on Sept. 25-26, 2014 sponsored by the Texas Public Policy Foundation. The conference, billed as: “At the Crossroads: Energy and Climate Policy Summit”, attracted internationally known as well as local speakers to discuss different aspects of this policy conflict. For those listeners and readers of StateImpact who are really interested in understanding this subject in more depth, videos of all Panel Session presentations with Q&A sessions and keynote speeches of the entire conference have been posted online for viewing at https://texas-policy.squarespace.com/crossroads-summit/
    I was honored to have been invited to present in Panel 1 on the State of Climate science, along with more nationally known researchers, to report on the independent research and assessment my NASA retiree colleagues on The Right Climate Stuff research team have conducted on the question of how much global warming can occur from burning fossil fuels. We have learned a lot since Dave Fehling interviewed me for the StateImpact radio program and article on these pages in March 2013 and have posted reports documenting our research approach and conclusions on our website at: http://www.therightclimatestuff.com

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