For Candidates, Posing With Guns Has Become an Arms Race

Who's winning, who's losing, and why.
Oct. 29 2014 7:44 PM

Gunning for Office

For candidates, posing with weapons has become an arms race.

Montana Rep. Steve Daines.

Photo illustration by Slate. Photo by Douglas Graham.

The favorite prop in this year’s political campaigns isn’t an iPhone, a motorcycle, or even a flag. It’s a gun. Despite mass shootings in every part of the country—Tucson, Aurora, Fort Hood, Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook—firearms seem more popular than ever. The contest among candidates to prove which of them is more gun-friendly has literally become an arms race. Here’s how they’re using their weapons.

William Saletan William Saletan

Will Saletan writes about politics, science, technology, and other stuff for Slate. He’s the author of Bearing Right.

1. I’m my own rifle association. In West Virginia’s Senate race, Republican Shelley Moore Capito has the endorsement of the National Rifle Association. Democrat Natalie Tennant says that doesn’t matter. “I grew up on a farm surrounded by guns, with my brothers, going hunting and shooting,” Tennant bragged in their Oct. 7 debate. “Having a muzzle loader myself that I use quite frequently,” said Tennant, “I don’t need the NRA” to tell West Virginians which candidate loves guns.

2. I own guns, so I know background checks aren’t a hassle.I have two guns,” independent Senate candidate Greg Orman claimed in an Oct. 15 debate in Kansas. “When I bought those guns, I had to go through a background check. And I don’t believe it was intrusive.” So it’s no big deal, Orman concluded, to apply the same rule to sales at gun shows.


3. I’m an environmentalist because I love guns. In an Oct. 13 Senate debate, Montana Democrat Amanda Curtis was pressed to explain her F rating from the NRA. She turned the question toward her opponent’s weak environmental record. “My husband and I, just in the week before the nominating convention, were out shooting the Browning 12-gauge light that his grandfather, who recently passed away, left to us,” said Curtis. “Montanans should be much more worried about … accessing our public lands so that we can use our firearms.”

4. I don’t own a gun, but my spouse does. Aimee Belgard, the Democratic nominee for Congress in New Jersey’s 3rd District, favors gun restrictions. But she claims a family connection to the other side. “I fully understand and appreciate the Second Amendment,” she assured gun owners in an Oct. 2 debate. “My husband actually owns guns.”

5. I don’t own a gun, but my neighbors do. I’m from York County, where the first day of deer season is a holiday,” Democratic candidate Tom Wolf pointed out in an Oct. 8 gubernatorial debate in Pennsylvania. Those roots, he argued, made him the best person to lead a statewide conversation about legitimate and illegitimate uses of firearms.

6. I don’t own a gun, but my mom used to shoot one. Democratic Sen. Mark Udall of Colorado doesn’t claim to own a gun. Instead, he reminisces about his mom. “I strongly support the Second Amendment,” Udall declared in an Oct. 7 debate. “My mother was the person who taught me how to handle a gun. She was a Coloradan. She was a member of the NRA.”

7. I don’t just own a gun. I have a concealed weapons permit. “I have always believed in the Second Amendment,” Nikki Haley, the Republican governor of South Carolina, pledged in an Oct. 21 debate. “And I believe in it because I’m a certified weapons permit holder myself.” Moments later, one of Haley’s challengers announced that he, too, had a concealed weapons permit.

8. I don’t just own guns. I teach my kids to use them. Dennis Richardson, the Republican nominee for governor of Oregon, sounds a bit wimpy. But then he starts talking about his family. “I’ve got one son and eight daughters. I’ve trained them in the use of handguns. We’ve done target practice,” says Richardson. “I’ve got one daughter who is a dead-eye.”