IN OCTOBER OF 2014, I set aside my scrimshaw ostrich eggs and carved an astonishing number of jack-o-lanterns. 

(You can still buy or visit my work here, and custom orders are always welcome!)



PSYCH-O-LANTERN is a recreation of the shower scene from Hitchock's Psycho made completely out of carved pumpkins. Below you'll find the full video, a gallery of stills, and photos from the process. For more, you can find me on Instagram (and Tumblr and Twitter!).  


The process! 

The pumpkins were carved over a two-week period in October of 2014. I squeezed three 16x9cm frames onto each pumpkin, which I documented immediately after completion with my Canon something-or-other. For better or worse, no fancy photo editing or equipment was used to make the film!

My carving process began by tracing the basic lines of each image with a knife, then freehanding the gradients of light and dark and fine-tuning the image with the light source inside. I used a combination of linoleum cutting tools, woodcutting tools, and hobby knives with replaceable blades. Since each frame took anywhere from two to six hours to complete, I had plenty of time to catch up on B horror movies. (Witchboard, people!) 

If you have any questions about tools and techniques, or about the project in general, drop me a line at I'd love to hear from you!

Note the pumpkinshrapnel-covered candy wrappers in the images below. 

And here's the video!

Psycho: Pumpkin Stop Motion of the Shower Scene

Check out a side-by-side photo comparison with the original, or play the two films together. You can even compare it to Gus Van Sant's Psycho!

Psych-o-Lantern Gallery

The Hall of Pumpkins! That's me offering Mr. Hitchcock a pumpkin in the end titles.

Psych-o-Lantern by Yuliya Tsukerman (Leviathan Bell Scrimshaw)