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October 29, 2014
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‘When Google Met WikiLeaks’: An Exclusive Excerpt

In 2011 WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange was visited by Google Chairman Eric Schmidt. Here, from Assange's new book, is part of the extraordinary conversation that resulted.


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AP/Eric Gay

Is Voter Suppression an American Tradition?

Today's ID laws are driven by an old purpose -- undermining genuine majority rule and deflecting threats to the established order.
Screen shot of journalist Gary Webb from Vimeo.

The Myth of the Free Press

The mass media set the parameters of acceptable debate. Cross those parameters, as the investigative journalist Gary Webb did, and you are turned into a pariah.
A/V Booth

In the spirit of Halloween, the holiday that might well be sponsored by The Sugar Association, the “Last Week Tonight” host takes on the sweet crystals invading all of our food.

An NYPD officer forcefully arrested a man for playing music in a subway station after reading aloud the law that appears to allow the musician to perform.

The Most Expensive Midterm Ever

The system has always stunk, but now the campaign contributions are bigger and far more secret.

Posted on Oct 29, 2014 READ MORE
The Republicans’ Profane Attack on the Sacred Right to Vote

There is a database housed in Arkansas with your name in it ... that is, if you live in one of the 28 states participating in the Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck Program.

Posted on Oct 29, 2014 READ MORE
2095: The Year of Gender Equality in the Workplace?

We’ll have to wait 81 years for gender parity in the workplace, a World Economic Forum report projects. Here’s more about what the WEF figures mean for women around the world.

Posted on Oct 29, 2014 READ MORE
Why the Notion of the Self-Taught, Self-Made Billionaire Is a Lie

A look at the educational background of the 1 percent reveals that the “rags to riches” narrative we’re fed is a fallacy.

Posted on Oct 29, 2014 READ MORE
Government Agencies Are Secretly Going Through Your Snail Mail, Too

Apparently the National Security Agency is not the only government organization
violating Americans’ privacy rights by collecting massive amounts of data.

Posted on Oct 29, 2014 READ MORE
Pope Francis: ‘Evolution of Nature Is Not Inconsistent With the Notion of Creation’

The increasingly popular pope warns against the perils of depicting God as a “magician.”

Posted on Oct 29, 2014 READ MORE
Turkey Allows Kurdish Peshmerga Paramilitary Troops to Cross to Kobane

Turkish intelligence is facilitating the crossing of a couple hundred paramilitary troops (Peshmerga) from Iraqi Kurdistan to the Turkish town of Suruç, 16 kilometers from the Syrian border.

Posted on Oct 29, 2014 READ MORE
Video Proof That Some Men Are Pigs

In this video titled “10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman,” we get to bear witness to what it’s like for a young woman to get from A to B, and why sometimes a compliment feels like harassment.

Posted on Oct 28, 2014 READ MORE
Ben Bradlee: No Fear, No Favor

Like every young reporter at the Post, I was scared to death of him at first.

Posted on Oct 28, 2014 READ MORE
Western Masters Now Terrorized by Victims of Imperialism

The threat of terror produced by past victims of American Middle Eastern imperialism is alarming, but not new, and not historically isolated to the Middle East.

Posted on Oct 28, 2014 READ MORE
Wendy Davis Talks Politics, Education, Women’s Rights and More With Jon Stewart on ‘The Daily Show’

The Texas gubernatorial hopeful, who rose to fame after her nearly 13-hour filibuster in the Senate of the Lone Star State, stopped by “The Daily Show” to share her views on conservatism in Texas and her ideas on the lopsidedness of voter ID laws.

Posted on Oct 28, 2014 READ MORE
The Gender Gap’s Been Shrinking All Over the Place, Even in the U.S.

Scandinavian countries still have the smallest gender gaps, according to the World Economic Forum’s annual gender survey, but this year they’re joined at the top of the list by a few nations you may not expect.

Posted on Oct 28, 2014 READ MORE
Is the Sunni-Shiite Slaughter at Jurf al-Sakhr in Iraq Really a U.S. Victory?

Apparent good news was announced on Sunday in the fight against the extremist Islamic State organization: The Iraqi army, backed by fundamentalist Shiite militias, managed to take the village of Jurf al-Sakhr, southwest of Baghdad, from IS fighters.

Posted on Oct 28, 2014 READ MORE
Americans Need Leaders Who Understand Their Plight Instead of Denying It

Call it Empathy Deficit Disorder. Some Democrats have it, but the disorder seems especially widespread among Republicans.

Posted on Oct 28, 2014 READ MORE
Why Aren’t Europe and the U.S. Doing More to Support Tunisia’s Transition Into Democracy?

Fears that the historic vote on Sunday in Tunisia might be marred by violence committed by the country’s tiny lunatic fringe were not borne out.

Posted on Oct 28, 2014 READ MORE
Meet One of Ireland’s Forced Emigrants

Seamus Farrell is among the tens of thousands of young people from Ireland who came of age in the wake of the global financial crisis and left when they were unable to find work at home.

Posted on Oct 27, 2014 READ MORE
Profile of America’s Underpaid Cops: St. Louis County

Some officers who responded to protests against the police shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., in August earn as little as $10.50 an hour.

Posted on Oct 27, 2014 READ MORE
Thank You for Your Valor, for Your Service, Thank You, Thank You ...

My heart sank, my shoulders slumped. Special guests at the Concert for Valor were to include: Meryl Streep, Tom Hanks, and Steven Spielberg. The mission of the concert, according to a press release, was to “raise awareness” of veterans issues and “provide a national stage for ensuring that veterans and their families know that their fellow Americans’ gratitude is genuine.”

Posted on Oct 27, 2014 READ MORE
Climate Change Linked to Reduced Size of Alpine Chamois

Scientists have found strong evidence that declining body size in herds of the chamois mountain goats that are hunted in the Italian Alps is linked to warmer spring and summer temperatures.

Posted on Oct 27, 2014 READ MORE
Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff Re-Elected, Promises to Be a Better Leader

The head of Brazil’s Workers Party, President Dilma Rousseff, won a narrow victory Sunday against the “pro-business Aécio Neves.”

Posted on Oct 27, 2014 READ MORE

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