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November 13, 2014
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China and U.S. Deliver Radical Climate Surprise

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By Leslie T. Chang

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The Cops Want This Car, Not That One

American police departments are using wish lists to decide which cars, electronics and other goods to seize in a practice that allows the government to confiscate property suspected of being tied to crime regardless of whether officers have secured a conviction or filed a charge.

Posted on Nov 13, 2014 READ MORE


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Will the Mexican President Resign Over the Ayotzinapa Student Disappearance?

Not only did President Enrique Peña Nieto handle the current crisis facing his nation with cowardly indifference, but as the call for his resignation resounds throughout Mexico, more evidence of his ineptitude comes to light.

Posted on Nov 13, 2014 READ MORE

Alan Freed /

Hillary Clinton Dabbles in Populism, but Wall Street Isn’t Fooled

Perhaps anticipating a primary challenge from the left (haven’t we been here before?), stealth presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has been trying to appeal to the anti-bank base of the Democratic Party.

Posted on Nov 12, 2014 READ MORE

J. Edgar Hoover’s ‘Suicide Letter’ to Martin Luther King Jr. Is Even Worse Than We Knew

Half a century ago, FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover had what he clearly considered to be a big problem in the form of civil rights galvanizer Martin Luther King Jr.

Posted on Nov 12, 2014 READ MORE

White House/Pete Souza

President Obama and Iran’s Supreme Leader Have Been Writing Each Other Letters

Although the U.S. and Iran have no official diplomatic ties, the most powerful men in each country have apparently decided to cut out the middle men and women.

Posted on Nov 12, 2014 READ MORE

Uruguay’s President Offered $1 Million for His ’87 Volkswagen Beetle

Any guesses as to what the “poorest president in the world” would do with a million dollars?

Posted on Nov 12, 2014 READ MORE

How Israel’s Netanyahu Is Falling Out of Favor With Europe

The Israeli prime minister doesn’t seem to notice the changes occurring in Europe with regard to Palestine; scientists have discovered the brain has different neurons for each flavor category; meanwhile, Google is offering to store a copy of your genome in the cloud at a small fee. These discoveries and more after the jump.

Posted on Nov 12, 2014 READ MORE

White House/Amanda Lucidon

FCC Chair Sounds Like He’s Going to Ignore President Obama’s Plan to Save the Internet

According to a report in The Washington Post, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler, a former cable and telecom lobbyist, is prepared to embarrass the president and annoy millions of Americans all at the same time.

Posted on Nov 11, 2014 READ MORE

Study: The .01% Is the New 1%

Comparisons between post-2008 America and the economic quagmire of the 1930s have been circulating for years, but a new study out of the London School of Economics sets the country back even further—and moves the decimal point back a couple of spaces on the 1 percent to highlight an even smaller and richer demographic.

Posted on Nov 11, 2014 READ MORE

How ‘Russia’s Don Juan-in-Chief’ Has Chinese Censors Working Overtime

Russian President Vladimir Putin started a wee scandal in China by flirting with none other than the country’s first lady; Islamic State may be on its way out; meanwhile, a protein in sugar beets could serve as an effective blood substitute. These discoveries and more after the jump.

Posted on Nov 11, 2014 READ MORE

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