Alan Gardner (WHOI) standing on R/V Wecoma next to ocean bottom seismometers that were deployed in the first year of the Cascadia Initiative. Continue Reading ->
The Greenland Ice Sheet Monitoring Network is an 11-nation collaboration initiated by IRIS to establish a new northern observatory for monitoring this rapidly changing ice sheet. Continue Reading ->
IRIS summer interns complete their 16th year of conducting research under the guidance of IRIS Consortium members. Continue Reading ->

2014-10-28 – Renaming of the IRIS DMC website

The IRIS DMC website is being re-routed to the subdomain this Thursday, October 30th, 2014. This will impact all DMC users, excluding Web Services. More...

Read essays about the experiences of USArray field crews, student sitters, and others ...more
From late 2013 through 2018, the USArray Transportable Array will site, deploy, and operate seismograph stations throughout Alaska to image its deep geologic structure. ...more
Two complementary research projects are examining the processes of ocean-continent subduction and mountain building in the Central Andes of Peru and Bolivia. ...more
The SESAME project aims to better understand the effects of continental collision and rifting in the southern Appalachians. ...more