No Dirty Gold


The more you know, the less gold glows.

Macy’s Dirty Secret


Want some cyanide with those earrings?

Could the gold jewelry you buy at Macy's this holiday season destroy communities and pollute the environment? It could.

The No Dirty Gold campaign's Golden Rules establishs a path towards cleaner gold and eliminating irresponsible mining. If 90 leading jewelry retailers can commit to the Golden Rules why can't Macy's?

Macy's is one of only two top 10 US jewelry retailers, along with Costco, that hasn't signed the Golden Rules for more responsible gold and precious metals sourcing.

Macy's hot air?

On Macy's corporate accountability web pages, the company states its concerns about the environment and its intention to pursue eco-friendly solutions.

    "At Macy's, Inc., we believe that contributing to a more sustainable environment is good business practice and the right thing to do for future generations."
    "Whenever possible and sensible within the context of our business requirements, Macy's, Inc. will pursue the most environmentally friendly solution."
    "...Developing supplier sustainability standards and promoting eco-friendly products to our customers."

But intention is not action.

Macy's needs to include the Golden Rules in the initiatives the company is undertaking if they are in fact working to create sustainable, responsible, and transparent supply chains.

Without committing to more responsible metals sourcing, these corporate values/policies have as much hot air as the balloons in Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade.

Help us convince Macy's to sign the Golden Rules

Over 90 leading jewelry retailers have left Macy's behind by signing the Golden Rules for responsible metals sourcing, with your help we can get Macy's to stop lagging behind the leaders of responsible gold sourcing.

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Tagged with: jewelry, retailers, macy's, macy