Reading's Water Lease and the Costs of Privatization | Food & Water Watch
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Food & Water Watch does an excellent job of keeping tabs on the food safety issues I care about. It would be a full-time job to stay updated myself. Their petitions are simple, to the point, and easy to share.
Marianne Scrivner
May 28th, 2014

Reading’s Water Lease and the Costs of Privatization



The Reading City Council is considering opening up the city’s water system to privatization. The city council president wants to allow for-profit, private water companies to bid on a long-term lease to take over the water services for decades. This is a risky and potentially very costly ploy to raise some quick funds to cover part of the city’s budget shortfalls and liabilities. While Reading’s fiscal difficulties are serious, the city must address them directly and avoid budget gimmicks like water privatization that will increase costs for generations of Reading residents.