Grassroots Alliance New York City is a coalition of enviro groups focused on replacing the use of fossil fuels, especially fracked shale gas, with wind, water and solar power. Events range from screenings to panel discussions to rallies and eco fairs.


Among the groups represented in this alliance are:

350 NYC
Beyond Oil NYC
Brooklyn Committee for Peace
Brooklyn for Climate Change
CARP (Coalition Against the Rockaway Pipeline) 
Citizen Radon Watch
Community Board 2 of Queens
Environmental Task Force of Saint John the Divine
Green Faith
Gray Panthers NYC 
Hudson Valley Earth First
LES Coalition Against Fracking
Natural Resilience Fund
NYC Friends of Clearwater
New York Climate Action Group
New Yorkers Against Fracking
New York Society for Ethical Culture
NYU Sustainablity
Occupy Sandy
Occupy The Pipeline
Occupy Union Square
Occupy Wall Street Environmental Solidarity Working Group
Rainforest Action Network 
Riverdale-Kingsbridge Climate Action
Riverside Church Beloved Earth Taskforce
Sane Energy Project 
System Change Not Climate Change
Times Up!
United For Action
World Can’t Wait


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Promoting a Renewable, frack-free New York

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I started the group because there wasn't any other type of group like this. I've met some great folks in the group who have become close friends and have also met some amazing business owners.

Bill, started New York City Gay Craft Beer Lovers

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