Kissing Islands of Greenland: Real or Fake?

An image circulating online claims to show the "Kissing Islands" of Greenland. Is this image real or fake?

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It’s Not Real

The image first appeared online in January 2012 and is the work of Italian photographer and digital post-production artist Vincenzo Micarelli. It first appeared on his website and listed the client as Pfizer. The original image in Mr. Micarelli’s portfolio includes the Pfizer logo, although it has often been shared online with this logo cropped out.

Micarelli has a few other images of land masses that resemble faces in his online portfolio (examples here and here).

We reached out to Mr. Micarelli for additional information about the image. He graciously responded with the following description:

This image is part of a series of imaginary territories resembling humans, that I have made for an advertising campaign. They are fruit of my invention and post-production, of course.

Bottom Line

The alleged “Kissing Islands of Greenland” do not exist. This is the case of a work of art being distributed with a false description. The artist who created the work stated that it was part of a series of works depicting “imaginary territories” meant to resemble humans.


Originally published August 31, 2013
Revised October 17, 2014

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  • God Mode

    Keep popping those pfizer pills and you’ll believe anything you see.

  • Elizabeth Raphel

    Got the kissing island picture on whatsapp…never believed it in the first place…but still felt like crosschecking..googled n was amazed with the facts…thank you…google is a miracle…to differentiate facts n hoax…