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Top Senate GOPer: 'Be Realistic,' Full Obamacare Repeal Won't Happen

AP Photo / Cliff Owen

"While the president, I wouldn’t expect to sign on to repealing the whole health care law, I think we should be focusing on parts of the health care law that have been hurting patients as well as providers as well as our economy and then systematically stripping away the very worst pieces of the health care law," he said on WPBI radio, according to audio captured by Buzzfeed.

When pressed on whether he expected a vote to repeal the health care law, the senator didn't rule it out, but again indicated that it was pointless.

"Well, I would imagine there will be a vote on repeal, but I — let’s be realistic, Barack Obama is still going to be in the White House for another two years, and he is not going to sign that," Barrasso said. "I want to put things on his desk that he would actually give true consideration to signing, because they’re good for our economy, they’ll get people working again, and they’ll help move the country forward."