TIME Viral Videos

Wedding Filmed by a GoPro Attached to a Whiskey Bottle

Whatever it takes to get through a wedding.

If you’re wondering who is the most popular person at a wedding, be assured it’s not the bride or the groom, but the person toting the bottle of whiskey.

At a wedding, most people (bride, groom, and guest alike) have two things on their mind: Try not to cry too much during the ceremony and have fun at the reception. Both can require a bit of liquid fortitude, hence the popularity of the whiskey bearer. To prove that status, someone attached a GoPro camera to a bottle of Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey and let it loose at a wedding.

What was captured on the camera is exactly what anyone who has been a regular on the wedding circuit would expect: Lots and lots of shots by people in their Sunday best, chugging straight from the bottle, no chaser required. Whatever it takes to toast the happy couple, right?

[h/t Uproxx]

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