TIME Television

There’s a TV Version of American Gigolo Coming

Richard Gere and Lauren Hutton in American Gigolo, 1980.
Richard Gere and Lauren Hutton in American Gigolo, 1980. Paramount

Paramount TV will produce it

The 1980s classic American Gigolo is set to become the latest film adapted for television by Paramount TV. The thriller’s original producer Jerry Bruckheimer will be involved in the project as an executive producer, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

Bruckheimer produced the 1980s film starring Richard Gere as a male escort in Los Angeles who falls for Lauren Hutton’s character amid scandal. “With its signature noir aesthetic, American Gigolo has remained a deeply entertaining, psychological thriller and I’m thrilled to partner with [Paramount’s] Brad [Grey] and Amy [Powell] on remaking it into a television series,” Bruckheimer said in a statement.

Gigolo is one of many films getting a small screen reboot by Paramount TV. A television version of the 2002 film Minority Report is also in the works. Paramount TV is also producing Grease live for Fox, Yahoo reports.

[The Hollywood Reporter]

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