Wisconsin 2012 Recall
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Maryland Governor - Hogan vs. Brown


Anthony Brown

Anthony Brown (D)

Bio | Campaign Site

Larry Hogan

Larry Hogan (R)

Bio | Campaign Site

Maryland Snapshot

RCP Average:
RCP Ranking: Leans Dem

----------PAST KEY RACES----------

President | SenateMD-6
2010Governor | Senate | MD-1
2008: President
2006: Senate | Governor
2004: President

Polling Data

PollDateSampleMoEBrown (D)Hogan (R)Spread
RCP Average10/2 - 10/23----49.039.3Brown +9.7
CBS News/NYT/YouGov10/16 - 10/231086 LV5.05138Brown +13
Baltimore Sun10/4 - 10/8800 LV3.54942Brown +7
Washington Post*10/2 - 10/5549 LV5.04738Brown +9

All Maryland Governor - Hogan vs. Brown Polling Data

RCP Poll Average
Maryland Governor - Hogan vs. Brown
49.0Brown (D)+9.7
39.3Hogan (R)

Race Analysis

Maryland is increasingly a city-state -- all of its congressional districts are anchored partially in either metropolitan Washington, D.C., or Baltimore. The state has long been a Democratic stronghold.  In the 19th and early 20th centuries, a Democratic machine in Baltimore combined with voters on the culturally southern Eastern Shore to form a Democratic majority. In the later 20th century, the Democrats lost the Eastern Shore but found increasingly receptive voters in the suburbs of D.C. Post-Civil War, the state has elected only six Republican governors, and only one has managed a second term.

The last Republican governor, Bob Ehrlich, won an open seat against Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, a disappointing candidate for Democrats, in 2002. Ehrlich had a tempestuous relationship with the Democratic legislature, and in 2006 he was defeated by Baltimore Mayor Martin O’Malley. O’Malley handily won a rematch with Ehrlich in 2010.

Anthony Brown, O’Malley’s lieutenant governor, won the Democratic primary, and will face off against Republican Larry Hogan.  In a Democratic state like Maryland, Brown has a significant edge, notwithstanding the headwinds Democrats in general are facing this year and Brown’s oversight of the state’s troubled Obamacare website.

Polling Data

PollDateSampleMoEBrown (D)Hogan (R)Spread
RCP Average10/2 - 10/23----49.039.3Brown +9.7
CBS News/NYT/YouGov10/16 - 10/231086 LV5.05138Brown +13
Baltimore Sun10/4 - 10/8800 LV3.54942Brown +7
Washington Post*10/2 - 10/5549 LV5.04738Brown +9
CBS News/NYT/YouGov9/20 - 10/11096 LV4.05538Brown +17
CBS News/NYT/YouGov8/18 - 9/21082 LV4.05137Brown +14
CBS News/NYT/YouGov7/5 - 7/241409 RV--5239Brown +13
Rasmussen Reports7/9 - 7/10750 LV4.04835Brown +13
Washington Post6/5 - 6/8962 RV3.55133Brown +18