Wisconsin 2012 Recall
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Alabama Governor - Bentley vs. Griffith


Robert Bentley

Robert Bentley (R)*

Bio | Campaign Site

Parker Griffith

Parker Griffith (D)

Bio | Campaign Site

Alabama Snapshot

RCP Average:
RCP Ranking: Safe GOP
2014 Key Races: Senate

----------PAST KEY RACES----------

2010: Governor | Senate | AL-2 | AL-5
2008: President
2006: Governor
2004: President

Polling Data

PollDateSampleMoEBentley (R)Griffith (D)Spread
RCP Average6/9 - 10/23----59.028.5Bentley +30.5
CBS News/NYT/YouGov10/16 - 10/23661 LV6.06325Bentley +38
Rasmussen Reports6/9 - 6/10750 LV4.05532Bentley +23

All Alabama Governor - Bentley vs. Griffith Polling Data

Race Analysis

In 1986, conservative Democrat Charles Graddick narrowly won his party’s nomination for governor. Normally, this would have meant a direct trip to the governors’ office, as Alabama had elected only Democratic governors since 1872 (the races were rarely close). But the loser in the Democratic primary, Lt. Gov. Bill Baxley, contested the nomination, claiming that Republicans had voted illegally in the (open) primary. The state Supreme Court implicitly sided with Baxley. Graddick’s supporters were outraged, and in the fall, Republican Guy Hunt shocked observers by handily winning the general election.

Republicans have lost only one gubernatorial race since, and now control every statewide office in Alabama. Gov. Robert Bentley will face Parker Griffith in the fall, who won election to Congress as a Democrat in 2008, switched parties in 2009, lost the Republican nomination in 2010, and now seems to have rejoined the Democratic Party. Bentley begins as the heavy favorite.

Polling Data

PollDateSampleMoEBentley (R)Griffith (D)Spread
RCP Average6/9 - 10/23----59.028.5Bentley +30.5
CBS News/NYT/YouGov10/16 - 10/23661 LV6.06325Bentley +38
CBS News/NYT/YouGov9/20 - 10/1692 LV4.06528Bentley +37
CBS News/NYT/YouGov8/18 - 9/2741 LV5.06228Bentley +34
CBS News/NYT/YouGov7/5 - 7/241036 RV--5931Bentley +28
Rasmussen Reports6/9 - 6/10750 LV4.05532Bentley +23