Featured Columns

A fitting send-off

Bradlee had a great life--and a great funeral.

Georgia’s punching bag

David Perdue is a glutton for punishment.

Colorado instability

Democrats are struggling in the state.

Thunder in Kansas

An open rebellion against tea party extremism.

The wage mystery

What’s behind stagnation?

President Bystander

Obama’s problem is his approach to power.

Off to a slow start

Our Islamic State strategy still has flaws.

Swinging to the right

The political pendulum moves away from Obama.

Run, Jeb Bush, run

It would be good for his party and the country.

Where everyone lives in love

The benefits to investing in friendship.

Clemency for Snowden

Obama must secure justice for the patriot.

The lineup for 2016

All the candidates have weaknesses.

Don’t punish Ebola workers

(Eric Gay / AP)

  • Don’t punish Ebola workers

    Don’t punish Ebola workers

    Protect the rights of those who treat patients.

    http://img.washingtonpost.com/rf/image_296w/2010-2019/WashingtonPost/2014/10/29/Editorial-Opinion/Images/US_Health_Care_Preparedness-08771-4776.jpg 296 192
  • The sins of Eric Holder

    The sins of Eric Holder

    He has time to right his wrongs.

    http://img.washingtonpost.com/rf/image_296w/2010-2019/WashingtonPost/2014/10/28/Editorial-Opinion/Images/2014-10-24T215438Z_01_MA601_RTRIDSP_3_USA-CRIME.jpg 296 224
  • Will Congress compromise?

    Will Congress compromise?

    Hyperpartisanship no longer works.

    http://img.washingtonpost.com/rf/image_296w/2010-2019/WashingtonPost/2014/07/21/National-Politics/Images/451925600.jpg 296 223
  • Children and handguns

    Children and handguns

    How did 15-year-old obtain a firearm?

    http://img.washingtonpost.com/rf/image_296w/2010-2019/WashingtonPost/2014/10/29/Editorial-Opinion/Images/Washington_School_Shooting-005a3.jpg 296 184


Is the president trying to confuse us about Ebola?

Obama has reinforced the notion that he is out of his depth, he doesn’t really have a plan and is just making it up as he goes along.

The Washington Post’s endorsements for the 2014 elections

Our choices for contests in D.C., Maryland, and Virginia.

    Outlook & Opinions

    Rehearsing for death

    Rehearsing for death

    A teacher on the lunacy of lockdown drills.

    ‘A Time for Choosing’

    ‘A Time for Choosing’

    Fifty years after Reagan’s pivotal speech.

    The solution to our Ebola panic is more panic

    The solution to our Ebola panic is more panic

    Hear me out.

    Legalize marijuana but . . .

    Legalize marijuana but <span>. . .</span>

    We have to talk about the risk of addiction.

    The all-pervasive cyberthreat

    The all-pervasive cyberthreat

    The Internet was not built for security, and now nations everywhere are exploiting that flaw.

    Egypt’s repression is a serious mistake

    Egypt’s repression is a serious mistake

    The United States should craft a policy to support a stable society.

    Ben Bradlee: Truth and lies

    Ben Bradlee: Truth and lies

    The late Post editor in his own words.

    5 myths about Halloween

    5 myths about Halloween

    How did it start? Is the devil involved? And is all that candy safe?

    Talking with Moshe Yaalon

    Talking with Moshe Yaalon

    Israel’s defense minister discusses Iran, Syria and the Islamic State.

    Welcome, transfer students

    Welcome, transfer students

    USC’s president says top colleges should admit more two-year grads.

    Best state: Nevada

    Best state: Nevada

    As college costs rise, it’s doing a lot to help kids save for higher education.

    Tunisia’s democratic path

    Tunisia’s democratic path

    There is no inherent contradiction between democracy and Islam.

    A dangerous alliance in Iraq

    A dangerous alliance in Iraq

    In the fight against extremists, Shiite militias attack Sunnis not connected to the Islamic State.

    Education and inequality

    Education and inequality

    By college, it’s too late for a fix.

    Book Reviews